Trickster+cyclone = is it possible?

Cyclone is channeling skill and movement skill = with new ascendency we can permanently generate power and frenzy charges (also we getting +1 to max frenzy/power from asc and 5% damage per each charge). Its quite easy to make 6 frenzy charges from tree and 5-6 power.
Also we can take 20% as and movement costs no mana = we can reserve full mana for aura/heralds.
ghost dance give to us survive ability and the last choice between Artist and Void / damage or survive ability.(if we take artist - with phase acrobatic we will have 50% dodge spell and some stun immunity)

Trickster tree have a lot of crit and evasion nodes,so dps have to be nice with quite good evade chance.

The problems which i see - low hp pool,cant do reflect,low life leach.
Does my idea make sense or not?
Last bumped on Mar 11, 2019, 10:17:03 AM
cyclone is a movementskill .. not a channel

i play a cyclone cocer trockster as a starter .. but ill take harness, swift killer, and escape artist
Last edited by rotheee on Mar 11, 2019, 10:18:50 AM

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