WIP Soulrend/Bane Hybrid Trickster, 9k ES, 68k EV, up to 500k DOT

This is my theorycraft for a hybrid Soulrend/Bane Trickster that I threw together.

Stats at level 90:
9100 ES
21k EV (68k EV with flasks and bonus from boots)
I'm still leveling the gems but at max level per POB I'll have 500k DOT

Gear so far:

Gem Links:

Soulrend (two versions)

BBBRGG Soulrend - lvl 4 Empower - Controlled Destruction - Efficacy - Swift Affliction - Void Manipulation

BBBGGG Soulrend - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Spell Echo - Efficacy - Swift Affliction - Void Manipulation

Bane - Warlord's Mark - Despair - Temporal Chains

Discipline - Grace - lvl 4 Enlighten

Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify

Wither- Multiple Totems - Faster Casting - Spell Totem

POB link: https://pastebin.com/qNYbCpEH

I'm still trying to figure out how to further scale the DOT. So far the build is good for clearing trash but sucks at bosses.

I also have no idea what gems to put in my weapon.

Anyone have any suggestions for different items I should be using or see anything I'm doing that's off, feel free to help me :), this is my first time playing a chaos build.
Last edited by SleepyXtreme on Mar 10, 2019, 12:06:34 AM
Last bumped on Mar 14, 2019, 11:19:29 AM
Does anyone know if the DOTs stack? I.E., would I benefit from spell echo?
SleepyXtreme wrote:
Does anyone know if the DOTs stack? I.E., would I benefit from spell echo?

No, it just refreshes the duration of it afaik. You have pain atunement enabled as well, which doesnt work as CI my dude.
Whoops, good catch. I wasn't CI initially and I forgot to remove it.

I have some interesting synergies between Cerberus and Magna Eclipse going on right now. It's as if I have a 320 ES shield and then also get +2 to discipline and zealotry.

Now I'm at 10k ES and DPS wise I'm at 450k with Soulrend and 80k with Bane

Last edited by SleepyXtreme on Mar 12, 2019, 12:20:10 AM
how is the build on trash and how is it on single target

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