Give us classic soundtrack option

I'm not liking new music at all.
It was perfect before, can we an option to switch soundtrack versions please?
New OST ruins the game for me.
Last bumped on May 27, 2019, 4:32:32 AM
I 100% agree with this. Please let us access the old music in-game.

Two big examples: the old Lioneye's Watch theme was one of a kind, and the Forest Encampment used to sound sooooo much better. No offense, but the new Forest Encampment theme sounds like generic "foreign/exotic" music or something that you would hear in a cheesy mummy movie. I'm not the least bit inspired by it.
Yes bring back old Lioneye's Watch theme please.
Not even REMOTELY possible with the sound engine this game has right now.
I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
Ancient games from 00s can have this features and 2012 one, that was continuously updated, can't?
I don't believe this.
If they managed to implement cloth physics, then implementing something as simple as switching soundtrack should be a non-issue.
It's the lack of demand, that is an issue.

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