to Mr. Chris Wilson
I just wanna share this experience earlier in pvp, i got murdered :( some frost witch perma frost me and i can't move. is it possible that in pvp frost have an effect only around 3 to 4 seconds then after the frost u are immune to frost for 2 seconds so the player have the chance to escape.. i really love the pvp of this game but such skills making the game so IMBA, i hope one day you can make a better pvp which i know it's not perfect but maybe more balance. it's ok to frost monster for 6 seconds and let them stay frozen until they die but it's not ok for the players. and mr chris wilson i love that introduction before the fight the word "ROUND 1 FIGHT" lol sounds like mortal kombat.. i would like to suggest if there's a possibility that you can include players to watch other players playing pvp like a spectators of some sort and you can see how many players are watching. and add more blood and gore to pvp let say the player die they actually loose they're head or something. it would be nice to if there's a ladder system the more win u get the higher rank you are and it would be nice if there's a display system or something to portrait your achievement so the player can see what u have achieved. thank u sir for the good game u made and thanks also for the team who work for this game.. God bless to you... :)
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... you never played diablo 2 before have you?
Action RPGs aren't renowned in their pvp, a big reason why pvp is so popular in diablo 2 is because of how imbalanced it was... everyone basically tried to come up with the cheesiest IWIN build possible and that was the biggest draw really to D2 pvp. IGN- Narutobieber
GUIDES: Templar Budget Strike build: Marauder Universal Endgame Skill template: |
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lets not be too harsh the OP was clearly trying to be nice and considerate (even if it was a wall of text)
but srsly PVP in PoE could use some diminishing returns on stuns/freeze/beartrap/etc the CC needs some sort of reduced effects if stacked constantly this is just good common sense in PVP style game mechanics otherwise the OP has some good idea's (the extra gore idea has been brought up before and is already in the works in a form, and chopping off heads and more death animations would be super badass) +1 OP GGG is for sure a great team and they clearly have a gem here =] Last edited by CY13ERPUNK#2796 on Mar 7, 2013, 11:39:03 PM
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" Not sure how the pvp operates yet, but in d2 pvp the easiest way around that would be to sacrifice some damage/hp for an item with cannot be frozen. I believe dream fragment has this such mod. Pvp balance in a hack and slash is near impossible without making entirely different builds/skills solely for pvp. IGN: NewLeagueSameGame
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" wear a cannot be frozen item use saphire flasks with remove freeze/chill proffit? (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س Last edited by RitualMurder#3177 on Mar 7, 2013, 11:43:49 PM
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Huh, the mention of Mortal Kombat and the extra gore immediately made me think: How about letting the winner of a pvp match perform some sort of finisher?!
The idea would be that when the player dies, their body is left standing, and the winner gets to perform one last attack with massively inflated graphical effects, eg: o Most lightning based spells - a thunderbolt comes down from the sky, causing the loser to explode o Most fire spells - hellfire rises up and roasts them, leaving a crumbling pile of ash o Most cold spells - a freeze/shatter combo o Leap Slam / Heavy blow - smashes the player into a pulpy circle on the ground o Dual strike - scissor style decapitation o Syphon - sucks the life out of them leaving a skeleton, which collapses into a pile of bones o Dominating Blow - forces the corpse to dance like a puppet ... Seriously, think of the possibilities! Last edited by Grimmhammer#4711 on Mar 7, 2013, 11:50:30 PM
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" "Get over here!" If you find yourself disagreeing with something I've said then you can take solace in the fact that you are no longer alone in the world.
"Give me fuel... Give me fire... Give me Aul that I desire..." |
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The shoes and most likely the weapon you could get cheap, the wep is useless though unless you do lowbie pvp. The ring is obtainable for 3 exalted There are many counters/helpers for many things with the use of proper items and passive skills Sugarpuff level 86 witch default laugue Last edited by sugarpuff#3336 on Mar 11, 2013, 7:04:03 PM
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