Some WoW suggestions, thoughts?

Posting them here since the WoW forums and community are horrible.
Ironic how Poe forums is a far better place for feedback and spitballing around suggestions than the actual forums of other games.

Let's start with a unified acc wide hideout

- Unlock one hideout location per zone, some exceptions logically apply.
Starting at lvl 40 (when you first get fast riding) after doing some quest line. Has a hearthstone with low to no cd.

- This permanent garrison system allows more flexibility, new content can be patched easier than creating fully new missions/tables/followers as we've seen happen in WoW so far, which tends to make old content, progress and time invested feel worthless since nothing can be transfered over.
Now currencies, followers, and other values stay in the "same pool" and can be made use of in future expansions. This also strengthens the player-game connection since now there's something more physical and permanent to work on other than achievements.

Professions: this is a big one

- You invite NPCs who craft things for you.
Your job is to supply them with materials, which they need a lot to experience with, trial and error. You tell them what values/stats/item types you are looking for, and they start exploring. There will be less recipes, but they would all be useful rather than mandatory useless stepping stones as in the current crafting system.

- Basically manufacturing skills are now acc wide, per realm/faction.
All your alts can visit your hideout and dump mats on manufacturing NPCs and tell them to explore and unlock new recipes or make something already known.
They learn, they gain skill ups, and they share all their knowledge with you.

- You can manufacture things, but you have to carry the mats and tools for it. Fishing, cooking and archeology remains the same, with the option to have a NPC. You could also have a limited amount of apprentices that you send off to certain areas to do those things for you, gather fish, other cooking mats. Various efficiency tiers, not to support crazy farming, something balanced, for personal soulbound consumption maybe. Need to observe and study the market and player choice trends to avoid inflation etc.
Big picture things aren't simple.

Followers: your alts?

- The game is so ridiculously huge at this point that it's almost impossible to explore every zone and quest if you have anything close to a life or job.
That's why I wouldn't mind seeing followers being replaced by actual characters created by the player.

- First draft suggestion, one char limit per continent/expansion.
Maps show up with fog of war, you can check to automatically chain all the quests, doing the entire zone while you sleep. This ofc takes longer than clearing the zone manually. Something like 2-4h for one quest on "autopilot" which would take you 5-10 min irl?

- At the mission table you could read the status reports and lore logs as your alt keeps progressing through the chosen zone. You can select quest rewards in retrospect.

- Technically these new features allow players with less irl time to keep up with players who have nothing but time. You can focus on your main, doing whatever grinds, mythic, raiding or pvp farming, while having some alt chars on the side "auto-questing" without constant relogging.

- You can still relog and jump into all of your alts and take control, manually play them, experience the zone, monsters, quests etc.
Personally I think this would be great because you no longer have to stress about having to multitask, which character is where, what are they doing and why etc. And even after you've been offline for a week, you can come back and see your alts having cleared multiple zones, and your profession NPCs have unlocked new recipes, and their assitants have been gathering plenty of mats all over the place, without you having to login every hour to check in on them. And that's the next off topic point:

Stacking dailies

- Having gated, time windowed content isn't cool.
You might be busy irl, your connection or even PC breaks down and you're out of the game for weeks. You should be able to have daily/weekly quests and bonus events stack and store up for as much as possible. You still need to do them like everyone else, but now you at least don't need to worry if you missed or forgot something, and you can do them whenever you want.
I put players first. I know the companies love having players log in frequently, every day for multiple hours, it makes them look good in business meetings being able to flex on share holders how active and hooked players are to their product. Fuck that shit. The customer comes first.

That's it for part I,
back for more later.
Last edited by DudeTheLegend on Feb 19, 2019, 9:14:02 PM
Last bumped on Feb 19, 2019, 9:13:10 PM

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