[3.5] Blade Vortex slayer/elemascendant---16M shaper dps---8k3 life---6k leech--1k+depth

I'm not used to write builds but i felt i had to share my experience in this league, playing a scion slayer elementalist...
I will be very quick, just sharing my thougts on why and how to play this build. It is not cheap and not a good league starter, but if you have a high budget you can enjoy it as a good boss killer.

-high life pool, 8k3 life at lvl 100
-high life leech rate and slayer leech, meaning a ~6k regen hp/sec with arakali's pantheon buff up
-high dps : over 15Million shaper dps in conc (with vaal RF), without taking in account vaal BV dps. Allows to one shot most phases of the boss.
-high tankiness due to loreweave + temple mitigation helm + unwavering stance
-shock ennemy with a small lightning flat (abyss jewel) due to elementalist ascendancy
-can run most maps mods because no reflect at all

-expensive and hard to gear
-slow clear speed (bv is melee+kaom's roots)
-doesnt like less regen rate and hexproof map mod

Pastebin : https://pastebin.com/1g6kd5wX

Disclaimer: pastebin consider effect of shock at 50%, on elder thats more a 15-20% with the ascendancy, if you want to calculate real dps do:
dps withtout shock+(dps with shock - dps without shock)*120/150


Take alira or 2 skill points
Pantheon : Arakaali + Garhukan

My gear:


The skills:


6L : BV-controlled destruction-hyporthermia-cold to fire-Empower-Inc AOE//conc effect//efficacy

3L : enlighten-hatred-herald of ash
3M: whirling blade-fortify-faster attack
4L: Arcane surge-Blood rage-Vaal RF-Inc duration
2L-2L:cwdt-immortal call// Storm brand-Pcoc
boots : none (kaom's)

The empower is a good choice even if you dont have a loreweave +1, its still the top tier of support gem for damage.

During burst phase use vaal RF +vaal bv, the shaper dps of both combined is over 25M.

Build 2:
This build is for deep delving, with less dps but more tankiness. We just swap the amulet to an aul uprising hatred and bis for watcher eye is double hatred (crit+ convers) and clarity damage taken gained as mana for MoM (couldnt buy one but a friend lend me one)



I dont play with vaal RF to stack vaal bv quicker . Main link on 6L are:
Vaal BV-hypothermia-empower-inc duration-efficacy-controlled destruction

It allows us to have a very long bv and to dodge mobs dmg most of the time without having to recast. Removing cold to fire is a huge dps loss but allows us to freeze the mobs easier.

And voilà, that's all folks i wont be linking video and so on because i prefer playing but if you have any question//suggestion feel free to message me IG : BV_Leech_Betrayal

With kind regards,
Last edited by urkdum on Feb 4, 2019, 4:22:40 AM
Last bumped on Feb 4, 2019, 4:24:47 AM
acuity- 18 ex
+1 loreweave- 20 to 30 ex
unnatural instinct- 18 ex
amulet (guessing here) - 15 ex minimum

you should probably emphasize in your post the "expensive and hard to gear" part. your character is sitting on 100+ ex in gear, which is great, but realistically only a tiny, tiny portion of players will ever see gear approaching this. in other words, "ferrari drives fast"
Last edited by yoloqueen on Jan 18, 2019, 12:41:12 PM
While his build is expensive, it scales pretty nicely with gear. You don't need Acuities, Hatred WE, Unnatural Instinct, +1 Loreweave, etc., to get the character up and running.

Here's my character (I didn't follow this build, but my idea is pretty much the same): https://pastebin.com/GCPNkEjw

I only just started it, but its cruising through mid tier reds with less than 3 ex of currency put into it.
acuity- 18 ex
+1 loreweave- 20 to 30 ex
unnatural instinct- 18 ex
amulet (guessing here) - 15 ex minimum

you should probably emphasize in your post the "expensive and hard to gear" part. your character is sitting on 100+ ex in gear, which is great, but realistically only a tiny, tiny portion of players will ever see gear approaching this. in other words, "ferrari drives fast"

Yeah my gear is pretty well min maxed but as Chazua said you can start w/o acuity or unnatural instinct.
Actually i followed another build at the beginning
, but i find the scion much better and easier to level up.

This morning i bought my dream belt for this build:

it allows to be even tankier, and thanks to might of the meek you dont need a lot of resist on the stuff.
Updated the build with new stuff.
these builds meant to be shared at "item display cabinet" that's how people(we) do it.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
updated the build once again with my final stuff i think
That belt is absolutely insane, how much did you spend for it? Just curious!

The build is very well-rounded, I like expensive things which are taken to the extreme.
djnat wrote:
That belt is absolutely insane, how much did you spend for it? Just curious!

The build is very well-rounded, I like expensive things which are taken to the extreme.

for the belt i spent 10 ex but a friend of mine crafted a better one just today :/. Wanna steal it from him but shhh
Updated the build once again with an alternative gear for deep delve

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