Help a noob with a pet-ish build

Sorry to bother, and I'm not even really sure if this is the right place to ask, if it's not then please let me know and then point me the right way.

Well, as the header says, I'm pretty new to this game, loving it to death, and just unlocked the Scion. Looking at her, I like the versatility she seems to offer, while having access to some nice nodes quite early and was curious if some form of a pet/aura build was something viable.

I'm intending to play solo, maybe now and then with a mate, as for now that's just the way I want to experience the story and the world. To that end, as I was an old school Necro in D2, I was wanting to do some form of pet build, but then I started seeing some of the better auras and curses in the game and was intrigued.

Now I've seen plenty of other classes with this idea, but I have't really seen that option with the Scion (In fact it seems this 'class' seems to lack a lot of class builds that aren't just slight variations on the base theme.) Seems most go for pure Aura support builds with the class, but something like that never really appealed to me. But auras that buff my pets and curses to deal with the enemy are quite nice. Not above some active play of course, I was quite enjoying a Templar paladin-ish build when I unlocked Scion (Fun surprise there, yes, I'm that level of noob, trying to go in largely blind)

Anyone have any suggestions or maybe a direction they can point me? As I said, new to all this, so my resources are somewhat limited, so something akin to a league starter style build (Which, from what I'm seeing, seems to fit pet builds well enough)?
Last bumped on Dec 23, 2018, 10:14:53 AM
Try to join an active guild. A guild will greatly help you in getting up to speed with the game and in learning the basic fundamentals about the game. PoE can feel overwhelming to newer players, but being in a supportive guild can greatly affect that. Here's the guild recruitment link-

Now, if you wanna play a minion build, I'd suggest browsing the witch forum. Nocromancer, to be exact.

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