Somthing wrong with either trading sites or PoE game itself

posted an essence worm up for trade for the lowest price at the time. fully expected to get spammed but needed fast money.

nothing, not a single whisper so i lowered the price even more. still nothing so lowered it again.

in the end decide just to leave it. 15 minutes later i start getting whispers for it at the first price i displayed it for. and then it happened!

must of got close to 600 to 700 whispers in about 10 minutes. it eventually slowed and stopped so i figured it was just a minor bug.

however ive noticed this is now happening with all my items im selling. putting them up and getting no whispers then getting an absolute ton about 10 minutes later for 15+ minutes plus the people im whispering dont seem to be getting my messages.

Last bumped on Dec 16, 2018, 11:59:21 AM
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Still getting messages for a loreweave i sold nearly 20 minutes ago.

ive tried closing and opening the game multiple times but the whispers dont stop!
Last edited by Mercystem on Dec 15, 2018, 4:01:03 PM
Trade site is still stuck. Any chance of a reboot or something. PoeTrade seems to update just not the official site.

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