Items with Fractional Prices Listed as Unpriced

When I price an item in a premium stash tab with a fractional value (e.g. 17/10 ex), it seems to be listed as an unpriced item in the API.

The value is converted to "1,7" ex in my client, which is the German decimal writing. I remember that it used to be "1.7" and list correctly some time ago, but since Delve League I cannot list fractional prices anymore.

I don't know if the decimal comma is related, since it still works correctly on currency even with the decimal comma.
Last bumped on Dec 13, 2018, 6:36:12 PM
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Hi there,

Could you provide a search URL that shows the item you're having trouble with? This will help me investigate further.

There was a bug with the fractional in the client that was fixed in 3.5.0c yesterday. Maybe this was your problem?

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I have the problem right now.

A Soulwrest is listed for "1,7" exalt in my public tab.
The search on finds it as unpriced under the character name JourneyPocalypse:

The search on the official trading site doesn't find it at all:

Thank you for the effort!
Last edited by JManExile on Dec 13, 2018, 5:55:20 PM
Oh I see. We only allow fractional prices to be set on Bulk Exchange eligable items. has a similar policy of not parsing fractional prices for use in the regular item search.

Since you're listing in Exalts, you can use 1 decimal place in your price so listing for 1.7 exalts (or ~price 1,7 exa in your case) should get you the desired result.
Web DeveloperView our Developer Docs
Oh, I wasn't aware of that, sorry.

The item is now listed correctly.

Thank you for the quick reply and clarification!

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