Help me out guys: Inquisitor Incinerate + Cast While Channelling + Glacial Cascade

Hey guys, i created a char with the intention of using vaal storm call but i changed my mind when i tested a new skill composition. Im using Incinerate+Cast while channelling+Glacial cascade, i've got really surprised with the dmg, specially after i add Elemental focus. Im pasting here my char path of building link and i want you guys to help me improve this build. I really love the combination of Incinerate with Glacial cascade, is melting down bosses and the clearspeed is really nice. Im only lvl 60 so far and i intend to spend my cruel points on Righteous Providence.

here is the link:

Thanks for reading and i'll wait for your answers.
Last edited by jperazzi on Dec 4, 2018, 9:22:44 AM
Last bumped on Dec 4, 2018, 9:19:20 AM

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