Underused Skills Challenge League (HCSSF + Mods)!

Underused Skills Challenge League!

I funded the league to get started, so the first people interested just need to be invited. Then hopefully it can be crowdfunded from there.


Just a quick tip: Brutus is absolutely insane with these mods, so you've been warned :)


As soon as you enter Merveil's Cavern (when you get access to lvl 12 gems) and beyond, you must use the following "underused" skills (I used poe.ninja then did a poll on reddit).

The mods as you can see are HCSSF, BLAMT, Extra Proj, No magic or rare.


Siege Ballista,
Heavy Strike,
Ice Crash,
Lightning Tendies,
Flame Surge,
Doryani's Touch (from Item),
Vigilant Strike,
Ice nova,
Spectral Shield Throw,
Charged Dash,
Viper Strike,
Shock Nova,
Glacial Hammer,
Wild Strike,
Frost Wall,
Cold Snap,
Frost Bomb (you can use Orb of Storms too since it's not a main skill),
Tectonic Slam,
Siphoning Trap,
Storm Burst,
Seismic Trap,
Flame Totem,
Split Arrow,
Icestorm (from item),
Burning Arrow,
Ground Slam,
Dark Pact,
Detonate Dead,
Summon Holy Relic,
Animate Weapon,
Mirror Arrow.
Searing Bond
Ice Spear
Freeze Mine
Molten Shell, Tempest Shield, Immortal call, Bear Trap etc. - all defensive skills are okay so long as they aren't your damaging skills. They can be linked to supports so long as they aren't damage increasing supports. However, CWDT must be used with the listed skills above or other defensive skills. For example, "CWDT + Ball lightning + curse on hit+curse" would not be allowed since Ball lightning didn't make the cut.

You can also use any golems, corpse creation skills, auras/heralds, curses, support gems and skills (molten shell, warcries, etc), counterattacks (these MAY be linked to damaging supports if you wish), non-damaging totems, and movement skills (except cyclone, consecrated path and flicker strike).

You can use ancestral warchief totem or ancestral protector only if they are unlinked (essentially just for buff)

Edit: Obviously as an informal event, honor system is the only option.


In each league, prizes based on highest level (all in Standard Permanent League economy) will be:

1st - 5 Exalts;
2nd - 3 Exalts;
1 exalt for top of each class.
Last edited by jolsen26#6854 on Nov 25, 2018, 8:39:03 PM
Last bumped on Dec 5, 2018, 9:26:15 PM
There are a few people playing already, but maybe they'll check back in to this forum.

If you do, I was thinking we could use /global 15551

Hopefully that will work
Added allowance for corpse creation skills

Excluded consecrated path which I forgot was a movement skills

Included all non-damaging totems

Changed from "Level 12" to "As soon as you enter Merveil's Cavern"

Added Ice Spear (somehow got missed, sorry)

Added the following: Molten Shell, Tempest Shield, Immortal call, Bear Trap etc. - all defensive skills are okay so long as they aren't your damaging skills. They can be linked to supports so long as they aren't damage increasing supports. However, CWDT must be used with the listed skills above or other defensive skills. For example, "CWDT + Ball lightning + curse on hit+curse" would not be allowed since Ball lightning didn't make the cut.

Clarified that counterattacks MAY be linked with damage supports.
Last edited by jolsen26#6854 on Nov 25, 2018, 10:38:17 AM
How do I get invited or join? Think i'll try spectral shield throw :D
Could we use all support skills such as Spell Totem and Trap support?
riot42lol wrote:
Could we use all support skills such as Spell Totem and Trap support?

RIP Arctic Breath
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
Please consider contributing to the crowd fund.

Also, if you change your mind and don't intend to keep playing, just message me and I can remove you to open a spot up for another.
Added the following: Molten Shell, Tempest Shield, Immortal call, Bear Trap etc. - all defensive skills are okay so long as they aren't your damaging skills. They can be linked to supports so long as they aren't damage increasing supports. However, CWDT must be used with the listed skills above or other defensive skills. For example, "CWDT + Ball lightning + curse on hit+curse" would not be allowed since Ball lightning didn't make the cut.

I want to apologize for the lack of polish with the ruleset. There are a lot of skills and I should have tried to account better for the defensive skills and support type skills. Sorry about that!
Hey another question.

Can i link damaging support to heralds? Like bomber build.

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