*I present you the Tabuchai (or Malabula) challenge race idea! (SSFBTW)*
Hello Exiles! I got inspired by a "Gucci Hobo" event made by SlipperyJim recently. It's very similar so here are the rules:
The first player to kill Act 4 Malachai, matching these conditions, wins. The prize is, well, the title, bragging rights and fame! 1: any league SSF mode (HC if you think you can do it of course but not mandatory). 2: You can only wear "As is" whites that you find/buy from vendor/get from divination cards and cannot use any currency on them UNLESS it's a Chance Orb on a "Simple Robe" base in order to obain a Tabula. So no Armourer's Scrap/Blacksmith's Whetstone/Transmutation/Augmentation/Alteration/Chromatic/Fusing/GCP/Scouring/GBB/Jeweller's/etc.. . 3: The only unique allowed to be used is the Tabula Rasa. 4: You can farm Humility cards to obtain a Tabula. 5: You can use any class/skill gem but can only roll one character for the whole event so no toon hoping for skill gems. 6: You cannot use regret orbs but quest refund points are allowed. 7: You can use Prophecies. You can organize it with as many players as you'd like although 7 (one of each class) would be awesome! The idea is open source, meaning i don't ask for credits for it, just use it as you want! Thanx for reading and hope you have fun! Happy grinding ya'll! PS: due to potato PC/connection I cannot stream so i won't be personaly hosting this kind of event but i know a lot of people are good at doing it! sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/9pimze/communityevent_i_present_you_the_tabuchai_or/? Last bumped on Oct 19, 2018, 5:55:36 AM
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