Meme Caster- Tank everything that doesn't one shot you by lagging them

Two garbage builds later and here comes another one \:D/

This build isn't meant to be the best at anything, but it is certainly isn't average. The build focuses on dealing decent damage and having a good defense mechanism while maintaining as low of a budget as possible. The only few expensive things are 2 poet's pens and a life gain on hit watcher's eye but let's ignore those for now. This build was largely inspired by ChrispieD and his afk build. Go check him out!

Note in regards to early news to 3.5
Funny how ice spear is getting a buff in 3.5. Based on my interpretation, it will be like a crappy barrage for spells, but isn't heavily focused on single target as barrage is. Moreover, the critical strike multiplier bonus will be very nice for single target damage.

For Ice Nova and Vortex, they are getting an aoe debuff and a minor dps debuff (since our major damage dealers are ice spear and volatile dead). Despite this, I believe with the setup aoe will be greatly improved overall (since frostbolt is supported by gmp and more projectiles will be produced due to the new changes). Overall dps should not be changed by much when bossing.

*Note* This build has two variants, one using jugg and one using pathfinder. I recommend pathfinder for damage and flasks.

Premise of the build (skip this part if you don't care about the thought process):
The build is meant to be "tanky" and uses as many uniques as possible (for those who don't like rares for whatever reason) by using a few interactions granted by certain uniques.

The build focuses on dual poet's pens and, following the meta, uses volatile dead with unearth for damage. Moreover, you may hear the occasional shatter, a very satisfying sound :^)

The secondary part of the build focuses more on defense. A watcher's eye jewel with life gain on hit with vitality (if possible, find one with fire damage leeched as life, penetrates fire resistance, critical strike multiplier, and fire damage with anger) ensures that we can milk eye of innocence as much as possible since we'll be using cast when damage taken a lot. This combo is well paired with Mokou's Embrace, for extra attack speed and ignite chance, and ngamahu's sign, which grants ignite chance and another way to gain life on hit. Gluttony, the belt, grants poacher's mark and when paired with barrage or kinetic blast, it is really strong for quick life gain. If using the pathfinder version, Gluttony is not used so to generate frenzy charges, we use frenzy instead of kinetic blast.

2 Crimson Temples and a desert spring:

Over 100 darkness stacks:

*Tanky (Tanky against delve darkness stacks too, assuming there are mobs to hit around you, can reach over 100 stacks with no darkness upgrades, after that, degen acts more like a one shot mechanism)
*Decent damage
*Can do reflect maps with no extra investment
*Does not require more than 2 exalts (though certain upgrades will cost more than that)
*Noob friendly
*Most, if not all, gear can be uniques (I do not recommend this though I will mention which ones I would use)
*Can farm uber lab (did it once but never bothered to do it again, traps are a sinch with lgoh)

*Not necessarily viable for end game bosses (I am unsure if it will be at 95+ though since I may never reach it.)
*Not easy to league start with (Poet's pens and vitality lgoh watcher's eye)
The amount of stuff on your screen due to this build is extremely intense. Be sure to either have a decent computer or, for the daring, go in with a potato. Even then, be wary of disconnects, the server wont like it.

Gem Links

Volatile Dead Increased Critical Damage Support Concentrated Effect Support
Unearth Greater Multiple Projectiles Ice Spear
The Ice Spear is a strange choice here since typically you would see either culling strike or body swap. You *can* use body swap here though that would mean one less corpse for volatile dead to consume, straining a pre-existing bottleneck.
Maf is scary so it is hidden safely in this spoiler.
GMP gives unearth 5 corpses per cast, which casts every other time. Since volatile dead consumes 3 corpses per cast, which casts every time, you lose about 16% potential damage as compared to if you spawn 6 or more corpses. With body swap, it consumes a corpse bringing unearth's effective corpse per cast down to 2, which means you lose 33% of your damage. When comparing using body swap vs not using it, you get 20% MORE damage when not using it vs using body swap, which is stupid damage you would be missing. Moreover, cremation creates even more of a bottleneck, though doesn't consume corpses as often.

Ice Spear is in here since a level 21 gem is cheap, does decent amount of damage, provides some aoe clearing, has increased critical strike chance for ranged mobs, and provides a shattering effect.
Pre 3.5 note: Ice spear will be buffed which gives us better single target damage.

Cremation Vortex Ice Nova Cast When Damage Taken
These gems should be leveled to the max and, if you can afford it, made to level 21. They may not provide a significant amount of damage compared to volatile dead or ice spear but do enough to kill mobs quickly if you want to "AFK". Moreover, since you will be casting frostbolt on cwdt constantly, vortex and ice nova see a "permanent" 40% more multiplier.
Phase run (Or frenzy) Summon Lightning Golem Anger Vitality
These gems are more for support. For the green slot, you can either choose phase run or frenzy, though frenzy is only helpful for bossing to generate frenzy charges. Even then, I would not use it over the new instant cast phase run.
Life Gain on Hit Support Barrage Kinetic Blast Barrage
These links are used for utility, as for Kinetic Blast will grant A LOT of life gain on hit with the support, watcher's eye, poacher's mark, and even ngamahu's sign since ignite chance is automatically built in.
If you intend on using pathfinder instead of jugg, be sure to use Frenzy instead of kinetic blast.
Freezing Pulse Greater Multiple Projectiles Ball Lightning Cast When Damage Taken Support Frostbolt Molten Shell
These gems are useful for spreading elemental ailments since they are projectiles. Molten Shell is used here since 4 off blue is EXTREMELY difficult to get on belly of the beast and according to vorici chromatic calculator, it can take about 1k chromatic orbs, which isn't cheap at all. If using an int based body armour, I'd highly recommend replacing molten shell with spark. CWDT should be left at level 1 and all gems have to be below or equal to the level 38 threshold.
If you use the pathfinder version of this build, it opens up the possibility of using culling strike instead of molten shell or spark. This way, we will have constant culling strike while making the best use of our slots.

Mandatory Uniques

Poet's pens, center of damage for the build

Core components for defense, absolutely necessary for a good, laggy, i mean tanky time.
Gluttony is only Mandatory for the jugg version of this build. The pathfinder can use a rare stygian vise/shaper/elder belt.

Other Uniques/Other Gear

Note on rare items, try to get an armor base to up our physical damage reduction.

This helmet is very nice as it provides a way to be freeze immune, freeing up a flask slot (will be explained later)

Causes more lag but has an *okay* amount of life and resistances. Ideally, you would want rare gloves with attack speed, spell damage, life, and resistances. If you can afford/obtain it, elder/shaper gloves with attack speed or crit would be nice too.

This pair boosted my cremation from about 2.1k to 3.2k (sheet dps)

4.2k sheet dps

Provides a decent amount of resistances while giving a load of life without sacrificing gem slots like Kaom's Heart.
If you cannot afford a 5/6 link belly, use a rare 6 link since they are a lot cheaper and you can get flat life with resists on it.

Ideally, you would want movement speed, resists, and life on your boots since no unique boots are really worth it, though if you wish, you can choose a pair with decent movement speed and life, such as atziri's step.


For pathfinder, we will abuse charge generation so that we have an easier time keeping damage up.

Nothing special, just a life flask if anything happens. The staunching suffix made the most sense to me on a life flask.

Shocking enemies grants a decent amount of damage, plus, if you wish to go the risky route, can cap your lightning resists without investment in it (though it's not like it is hard to cap lightning resistances anyway). Make sure to get the spell version of the flask.

Rotgut is a severely underrated flask for some reason, I like it since it provides free onslaught, easy flask generation, plus gives you what a magic quicksilver flask with adrenaline would do.

This flask can be anything to be honest, as long as you can augment it with grounding since we need a way to counter Vinktar's negative effect.

Diamond flasks are a staple for crit builds. With at least 40% crit chance at max (6) power charges, which you should have at all times, your effective crit chance lies around 65%. This is about 17% more damage at 200% crit multi and for volatile dead, about 20% more damage thanks to a socketed critical strike damage gem. Warding for the suffix since temporal chains maps are common and suck.

I used Pure talent because the tree will be connected to ascendant, to make requirements a bit easier, Shadow since we will be taking its ascendancy anyway, and templar since our tree passes extremely close to it and has a few useful nodes.
The other jewel is watcher's eye with life gain on hit with vitality and, if available and if you can afford it, a useful anger augment.
I also crafted a hypnotic eye jewel with 50 life since it is cheap and easy. This is much better than a % increase max life since your tree and part of your gear will cause greater diminishing returns.

Skill Tree, PoB, and bandits


PoB Pastebin


PoB Pastebin

For bandits, I chose Alira, though I'm realizing this is a huge mistake since with two points, you can take a jewel node, with resistances and multi, and another node of your choice. I would only choose Alira in the future only for leveling.

I decided to choose Pathfinder and Assassin for my ascendancies,, with juggernaut being an alternative.
Assassin is very nice since it provides movement speed, a lot more damage and ensures you can reach the last power charge node. Moreover, crits ensure we are able to ignite enemies.
Pathfinder is nice for this build too. We get movement speed, attack speed, flask charges, penetration, and more effective flask charges.
Juggernaut is EXTREMELY useful since we do not need to generate endurance charges and when comboed with Gluttony, we get all of the charges. Moreover, it gives us 30% increased damage which is always nice.

Unless if you intend to not use leech and free damage from eye of innocence and mokou's embrace for the free attack speed, Inquisitor will not work since you will be "immune to elemental ailments on consecrated ground". Since maps have tons of rare and unique mobs, mapping becomes dangerous without the leech, making bossing almost impossible too. Moreover, you will have to deal with the problem of no permanent endurance charges granted by juggernaut. Not a worthwhile tradeoff imo

The part I hate the most, since they provide good benefits, yet are too diverse.

Major: Lunaris or Solaris, depends on player choice. For me, since I would be mapping more than fighting bosses, I would choose Lunaris though if you do bossing (This build isn't meant for that kind of bossing, 5k life pool) then I would go for Solaris.

Minor: The only two here that will help you, even if it is a tiny bit, or at least won't hurt you, thanks Abberath (the whole point of the build is to ignite yourself), are Gruthkul and Tukohama. Similar to Lunaris and Solaris, Gruthkul is good for mapping while Tukohama is better for bossing, though Gruthkul is probably better since with Tukohama, you're either face tanking and dying more often or dodging and not receiving the full benefits of it. Gruthkul has a permanent 5% physical damage reduction due to eye of innocence and Erebix provides free "temporal chains" that applies to the mob's attacks.

This should cover my build. If you have any questions and/or if I'm missing anything, please leave them on this page. Thank you!
Last edited by PiMaster123 on Oct 30, 2018, 7:49:57 PM
Last bumped on Oct 30, 2018, 7:50:01 PM

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