skills that need to be fix in pvp

my list goes :
- bear trap.
- totems.
- resistance being - 60 in merciless pvp.

then again i do merciless pvp so maybe you guys have different thougth
Last edited by fortispectus#0920 on Mar 5, 2013, 2:30:56 PM
fortispectus wrote:
my list goes :
- bear trap.
- totems.
- resistance being - 60 in merciless pvp.

then again i do merciless pvp so maybe you guys have different thougth

Bear traps need to be looked at

Totems have plently of ways to be countered

Resistances are fine as is. Please plan your build ahead before making posts like this. Just my personal opinion
-60 chaos resist is a bit bad since it's hard to get those, but other resist is pretty easy to max in merciless.
ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
Dual totems is fucking broken. 1 totem to your left, one to your right. There is no counter play for it except conversion trap which isn't 100% reliable.
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
pianokingx3 wrote:
Dual totems is fucking broken. 1 totem to your left, one to your right. There is no counter play for it except conversion trap which isn't 100% reliable.

Spell block (Saffel's) and tempest shield are a good counter to totems. They kill themselves as soon as they hit you.
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Please refer to my posts in this thread if you have issues with Bear Trap.
IGN: Aux
Aux wrote:
Please refer to my posts in this thread if you have issues with Bear Trap.

You "need to be fix in pvp"

Eating burgers with one hand while 5.0:ing me pff, yeah Relith told me... he watched your stream during one of our matches.
Sugarpuff level 86 witch default laugue
1. Dual Totem
2. Bear Traps
3. Temp Chains
4. Frozen
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)

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