Hierophant's Sanctuary of Thought node makes Divine Guidance near useless as well as other nodes

Sanctuary of Thought almost ruins two other ascendancy nodes in Hierophant's tree, the first being Divine Guidance, the connecting node.

Sanctuary of Thought gives 30% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield, which sounds good but conflicts with Divine guidance's 10% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life. This, as well as Mind over Matter does not work with energy shield. It's damage taken before LIFE. So it's almost useless, as well as completely useless for Chaos Inoculation.

Sanctuary of Thought also gives 50% reduced Mana Cost of Skills and 50% reduced Mana Cost of Skills while on Full Energy Shield. Which makes the Illuminated Devotion ascendancy difficult, since the reduced mana means you can't proc arcane surge very well, if at all, mean that you have to take Arcane Blessing, which is a pretty bare ascendancy as is.

I doubt this will get much attention but I think it needs some work really badly. So much of this ascendancy conflicts with itself, but also it just shows how awkward MoM is with energy shield, which is weird since it's up near all the energy shield nodes.
Last bumped on Sep 5, 2018, 3:51:05 PM

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