Need some help with with my league starter build

Hi, after over 1k hours of playing I finally decided to make my own build. The plan was to make very, very cheap boss killer and what I came up with is this Scion Scorching Ray Totem.

Here is a preview:

QUICK NOTE: Stats are you seeing there are with nearly no items. After filling all slots with rare items I can reach 5-6k HP and ~3,5k mana with MoM. Also totem damage is based on 5L not 6L

So that's all for the introduction, now some questions:
1. How the hell I force EE on enemies while having Ancestral Bond. Since I can't deal damage myself orb of storms does not work.
1.5 Same goes for procing EO
2. Earlier I was using shield charge as movement skill, but in 3.4 this skill got massively nerfed. I basically need a new way to move myself around maps and quickly dodge shaper spells
3. With (Possible) 5k HP and MoM I still feel that my defence is a little bit lacking against high tier map bosses and shaper, need some advice on that.
4. Clearing maps: This is I think the biggest question. Totems are not the fastest map clearer and scorching ray is even slower. Need some better setup for clearing maps, but personally can't come up with anything.
Last edited by Revqx on Aug 29, 2018, 10:12:01 AM
Last bumped on Aug 30, 2018, 9:13:23 PM
It may not be what you want to hear, but you honestly should just go heirophant, instead of scion. I'm pretty sure you don't benefit from some of the "cheiftan" perks because scorching ray does not hit. You can't leech damage and you can't cover enemies in ash. Heirophant would give you another totem and and easy charge generation.

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