Scion Dual Void Battery Crit Arc help

I've just started playing PoE as of 3.3. Its been a blast so far the game throws so many choices your way to play how you want to play. For a new player a lot of this is really overwhelming. Im looking for a some advice from more experienced players on what makes a build viable to clear all content. I myself haven't reached that point but having a character that i sink time into and help me getting there is what i want.

So far Arc is one of my favorite skill gem to use, purely for its power at clearing, but what ive learned from this game is that you cant have both, Amazing clear / good single target dps, Unless you build around it. My current witch Arc build is struggling to clear t11+ maps and im afraid of going any farther just to be let down when im unable to clear. With as much life nodes near the witch im bearly breaking 4k hp(without the huge investment into the scion wheel could push me at 5k + MoM and mind of the council harlequin mask).

Build Idea: It use x2 Void Battery - Shavronne's Wrappings - Presence of chayula - ????

The build use Low life "wrath" to scale more damage along with using ES has its main Def. Power charges gen with crit/Shocks/ ES leech(Ghost reaver)????

Main gem link set up idea - Vaal Arc - Power charge on Crit - Inc.Crit Strikes -Spell Echo - Lighting pen?? -faster casting ??

support gems: Blood magic - Wrath - Hearld of thunder - Discipline ( not sure if i can make it fit)? - Orb of storms with a CoH?

Ascendancy Choice - Witch/Occultist: Seems made for this build added support for Power Charges a ton of passive ES,Passive, as well as Profane Bloom having a hard time figuring out how to add curses to this build that arent self cast and mix with the skill gems. Maybe around 1.5-2k ES from passives rough guesstimate?

Scion/ Elemenlist/Assassin - Passive 10% chance on crit power charge - more crit - with The Anima Stone the chance of having 3 golems up could be huge but annoying to manage, added pen and herald effect - immunity to reflected elemental damage

Passive tree ideas so far:
Last bumped on Jul 27, 2018, 12:54:24 PM

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