New player here I need help with my build

Hi! I'm currently lv 78 as Ranger(Deadeye) and everything was fine and I was surviving till I start doing low tier maps, I can't do incursions at all, I fail every time even in tier 1 maps I can't even kill the architect(not enough time to kill mobs or even going direct to kill them), as for maps I'm doing ok-ish but I can see that I lack damage it takes a lot of time to kill bosses and some monsters.
Build :





Tornado Shoot+Greater Multiple Projectiles support+Life gain on hit Support + Onslaught Support
Barrage+Slower projectiles support+ physical projectiles attack damage support+ pierce support
Vulnerability+ blasphemy support+increased area of effect support
Siege ballista +fast attack support
Blink Arrow + Fast attack support
Earth Golem+ Minion and Totem Elemental resistance support

4 Ascendancy points (I can refund them all)
- Rupture
- Gathering Winds

I have 50 Chaos Orb but I would not like to use too much I'm planning on building a duelist soon™

If I need to provide anything else that mighty help you help me please ask and ty!

Last edited by X_Lucifer on Jun 18, 2018, 7:26:11 PM
Last bumped on Jun 19, 2018, 10:04:00 AM
First of all, you are using gems which doesn't provide big damage boost. You should consider using some gems which give "MORE" multipier. For instance, it could be Physical Projectile Damage. But I would recommend you trying to convert your physical damage to elemental, so you could you Elemental Damage with Attacks. This can be reached by using Hrimsorrow/Hrimburn gloves + Winter Spitit passive. If you are about getting life from hits, Thief's Torment might be an option.

Barrage also benefit a lot from extra projectiles, so I would recommend switching pierce with GMP.

That're the first things that come in mind. You may try importing your character to Path of Building programm and search for some other options.
Last edited by captf0xz on Jun 18, 2018, 7:24:16 PM
captf0xz wrote:
First of all, you are using gems which doesn't provide big damage boost. You should consider using some gems which give "MORE" multipier. For instance, it could be Physical Projectile Damage. But I would recommend you trying to convert your physical damage to elemental, so you could you Elemental Damage with Attacks. This can be reached by using Hrimsorrow/Hrimburn gloves + Winter Spitit passive. If you are about getting life from hits, Thief's Torment might be an option.

Barrage also benefit a lot from extra projectiles, so I would recommend switching pierce with GMP.

That're the first things that come in mind. You may try importing your character to Path of Building programm and search for some other options.

Ty for the reply!

After reading yours and others comments about my build(I did this thread on reddit too) I switched to a "cold ranger build" I got the gloves you mentioned and I added the GMP to barrage, ty a lot.

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