3.3 Unofficial PvP Season
> > > > RULES < < < <
Time Until Next Event Keep in mind that the Ban List is subject to change post 3.3 and we will do our best to be as timely as possible to prevent players from losing characters they dedicate to. When registering to an Event remember to comment on this thread letting me know which event you are registering to. Add in your account name, character name, and server. Letting us know your server will drastically improve our ability to keep NA paired with NA and EU paired with EU.
Both winning and losing teams will be allocated points by the following system Win: 7 points - 1 point for each round loss Loss: 0 points + 1 point for each round win This means if Team A vs Team B ends with 4 - 2 in favor of Team A: Team A gains 5 points ( 7 - 2 ) and Team B gains 2 points. A draw based on time is -1 point for each team (a draw from both dying at the same time is null) A drawn Match is 2 points each Each Saturday at 12pm PST will be a PvP event start June 16th. Players will accumulate points and gain rewards based off how far they get on the PvP Ladder. There will be 3 LLD events in the Incursion League and 2 HLD events in the Perm Standard League, finally there will be an elimination tournament for both HLD and LLD. These events will happen over 6 weeks creating the Unofficial 3.3 PvP Season
Combined Ladder
84 MonstaCookie 72 ethicalscionzz 67 ProjectPT 52 Lapizz 49 LittleMárkusz/MrMárkusz 47 Im_Fucking_Bad_At_This https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2150236 45 Red_LLD 44 Priory 42 Krawol2 42 SpiralMN https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2141832 39 Aodui https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2145985 35 Regi_MoreUselessThanLast 34 steveweibejr 33 Aliac123 30 Clif_PvP https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2175921 29 Sidrodoesthisdoanything 28 Woohoo 24 d3sden0va 24 Dede_ethciaLSD 22 Sagat 17 dankglums 16 Headmasta 16 OriGinS 15 EthicalMimi 15 Cro_Hit 14 EthicalShadowGuy 13 ProXpvp 7 Bad_Fetish 4 Balzebow 1 Ahfack
LLD Ladder
52 PTwalking 47 eCookieLLD 45 Red_LLD 44 MyMomSaysImSpecial 32 Lapizz 30 Clif_PvP 24 Dede_ethciaLSD 20 Woohoo 18 GoogleFromDiablo 15 EthicalMimi 15 Cro_Hit 14 LLD_Is_For_Losers 14 EthicalShadowGuy 13 ProXpvp 9 WanderWhyIDoThisToMyself 5 Sidrodoesthisdoanything 4 Balzebow
HLD Ladder
54 ethicalscionzz 49 LittleMárkusz/MrMárkusz 46 MonstaCookie 39 SpiralMN 36 BeastFang 35 Regi_MoreUselessThanLast 34 steveweibejr 32 Krawol2 30 Bondisk 30 Im_Fucking_Bad_At_This 24 LordSidro 22 Sagat 20 Lapizz 17 dankglums 16 Headmasta 16 OriGinS 15 d3sden0va 15 ProjectPT_NotTotems 8 DoNotTouchMyRightLeg(Woohoo) 7 Bad_Fetish 1 Ahfack/Ahfacku There will be prizes that are awarded for both participation and results. If you would like to contribute to the prize pool and encourage more to try out PoE PvP whisper me in game or add a message to this post with your offers. An appealing prize will attract some new faces
There will be multiple tiers of prizes: Players who gain more than 30 points during the season Players who gain more than 100 points during the season Winners of Each individual event Season Winners of HLD, LLD and Overall Due to the limited system of prizes, the exact rewards will have to be calculated when the season ends! As more players donate the prize pools will increase Last edited by ProjectPT#7616 on Jul 7, 2018, 5:32:17 PM Last bumped on Jul 13, 2018, 11:11:34 AM
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Event #1 eHLD 2v2 Round Robin
REGISTRATION ENDS 24H BEFORE EVENT BEGINS Saturday June 16th 12pm PST - Complete
1. Regisle_ 2. Lapiz ( Lapizz ) - Eu 3. ProjectPT ProjectPT_Chaos - NA 4. Max_Aoe Offscreen - EU Singapore 5. Rupenus FanonFlower - EU 6. Lolozori - EU 7. Ahfack Ahfack - US 8. Origins - US 9. Audoi Beastfang - US 10. Markusz - EU 11. Krawol2 - EU 12. Monstacookie - EU 13. Bondisk Aliac - US 14. EthicalScionz - US 15. SteveWebiejr - US 16. DedeX Headmasta - EU 17. Geeguer DoNotTouchMyRightLeg - EU 18. Shazamarang Im_fucking_bad_at_this - EU/NA 19. Mullaxul Sagat - US 20. TheD4nkOwl 21. d3sden0va - us This event will consist of 5 matches. Each player will be placed with random party members and opponents. Once party members have their bracket allied members must join the same party and locate themselves in the same instance before challenging the opposing team or be challenged by the opposing team. After each match the players must submit the results of their round before checking the new match. All players should participate in 5 matches and there is no elimination.
34 ethicalscionzz 30 Bondisk 28 Krawol2 26 LittleMárkusz/MrMárkusz 22 BeastFang 21 MonstaCookie 19 Im_Fucking_Bad_At_This 18 SpiralMN 17 dankglums 16 Headmasta 15 d3sden0va 14 steveweibejr 14 Regi_MoreUselessThanLast 13 Sagat 9 OriGinS 8 DoNotTouchMyRightLeg(Woohoo) 7 Bad_Fetish 1 Ahfack/Ahfacku Please comment in the thread if you plan to join this event with the following details: Account name, character name, and server. Last edited by ProjectPT#7616 on Jun 16, 2018, 9:01:56 PM
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Event #2 eLLD 2v2 Round Robin
COUNTDOWN TO EVENT #2 Saturday June 23th 12pm PST
Current Open Register
1. Dede_EthicalLSD 2. MonstaCookie eLLDCookie - EU 3. EthicalMimi - US 4. Proxzy - ProXpvp - eu 5. RedXFrost - US 6. CRO_HIT - US 7. Geeguer Woohoo - EU 8. Priory MyMomThinksImSpecial - EU 9. ProjectPT - US 10. EthicalShadowGuy Saskute - EU 11. Blinkandbgon - KozakTournyCharacter - NA 12. 13. d3sden0va - us 14. Clif_PvP - eu 15. BalzeBow - eu 16. LLD_Is_For_Losers - AuS Wait List Wait List Wait List Wait List This event will consist of 5 matches. Each player will be placed with random party members and opponents. Once party members have their bracket allied members must join the same party and locate themselves in the same instance before challenging the opposing team or be challenged by the opposing team. After each match the players must submit the results of their round before checking the new match. All players should participate in 5 matches and there is no elimination.
This will be filled when the event ends Please comment in the thread if you plan to join this event with the following details: Account name, character name, and server. Last edited by ProjectPT#7616 on Jun 23, 2018, 1:35:30 PM
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Event #3 eLLD 1v1 Round Robin
Saturday June 30th 12pm PST - COUNTDOWN
Current Open Register
1. ProjectPT - US 2. MonstaCookie - EU 3. EthicalScionzz - NA 4. Woohoo - EU 5. Lordsidro - NA 6. Red_LLD - NA 7. Neyhoumi - EU 8. ProxPvP - EU 9. d3sden0va - US 10. Balzebow - EU 11. 12. 13. DeDe_ethicalLSD - EU 14. Clif_ELLD - EU 15. Lapizz - EU 16. Granite - EU Waiting List Waiting List Waiting List Waiting List Please comment in the thread if you plan to join this event with the following details: Character Name + Server This event will consist of 5 matches. Each player will be placed with random party members and opponents. Once party members have their bracket allied members must join the same party and locate themselves in the same instance before challenging the opposing team or be challenged by the opposing team. After each match the players must submit the results of their round before checking the new match. All players should participate in 5 matches and there is no elimination.
This will be filled when the event ends
Last edited by ProjectPT#7616 on Jun 30, 2018, 1:34:54 PM
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Event #4 eHLD 3v3 Round Robin
1 BeastFang NA 2 ProjectPT NA 3 Lapizz EU 4 Sagat NA 5 Shaz NA 6 SpiraMN - 7 Markusz EU 8 steveweibejr 9 Regi_MoreUslessThanLast 10 MonstaKookie 11 Google 12 A_Poem_of_Bragi 13 DarkPrinceSlaanesh 14 Whitegirltwerkteam 15 16 This event will consist of 5 matches. Each player will be placed with random party members and opponents. Once party members have their bracket allied members must join the same party and locate themselves in the same instance before challenging the opposing team or be challenged by the opposing team. After each match the players must submit the results of their round before checking the new match. All players should participate in 5 matches and there is no elimination.
Please comment in the thread if you plan to join this event with the following details: Account name, character name, and server. Last edited by ProjectPT#7616 on Jul 7, 2018, 1:34:07 PM
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Cancelled due to lack of participaton
Last edited by ProjectPT#7616 on Jul 13, 2018, 4:15:25 AM
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Last edited by ProjectPT#7616 on Jul 13, 2018, 4:15:45 AM
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Signing up early
Event number 1, character name: Regi_MoreUslessThanLast, server: AUS Event number 3, character name: Regi_lld_ethical, server: AUS --please note I might not make it to event number 3 Event number 4, character name: Regi_MoreUslessThanLast (Or a new char), server: AUS / reserved Last edited by Regisle_#6188 on Jul 2, 2018, 10:37:55 PM
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Signing up for the event #1
Account name: lapiz Character name: lapizz Server: EU |
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I'd like to sign up, but 10 am PST on a Sunday is probably one of the worst times for me, so I'll probably have to miss out. Not much you can do about that though, I guess no matter what someone will have to miss out due to time zones. Though I'm still gonna actively play outside of the events, and hope they help grow the community.
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