Reaper Spectral Throw - vertical effect?

Greetings, exiles and exilettes (and of course, game developers).

I've been playing PoE for a while now and have been a huge fan of Spectral Throw. I have been playing with microtransactions, specifically Seraph and Reaper Spectral Throw. Both of these effects look really cool, but I wanted to suggest something regarding Reaper ST.

With the addition of Triple Bladed ST, we've seen the first ST Effect that has a "vertical" effect and in my opinion, Reaper Spectral Throw should be changed to also have this optical effect.

Why do I suggest this? Well, there's a couple of reasons.

- the rather large effect of the scythes looks really cool but can get confusing since the actual hitbox of ST is not the same as the animation would suggest.
- the large horizontally spinning scythe takes up rather a lot of screen space (especially during maps while using Greater Multiple Projectiles), making it sometimes diffcult to see some harmful effects that you will want to dodge.
- in my opinion, a vertically spinning scythe would just generally be better-looking. While the horizontal effect gives a bit of a "Boomerang" feel, it just doesn't make any sense that the weapon would be thrown horizontally.

Thank you for feedback in advance.


Last bumped on Apr 30, 2018, 5:01:06 AM

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