Looking for Deadeye Ranger Bow-User

I'm starting in Bestiary League, and got to level 19. This is what I have so far of my character.


Now - I'm trying to find a good build that will be a Deadeye ranger focusing on bows that I could take to endgame. Oddly enough, it's not easy to find one. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I know that Deadeye wasn't popular before the 3.2 ascendancy overhaul - but there has to be something of use.

Thank you for your time.
Last bumped on Mar 3, 2018, 5:32:44 PM
I'm kinda looking for the same thing so I shall pay close attention to your thread. In case you manage to find some build, I'd appreciate if you could post it here so that the rest of us can see it as well :>
Mathil suggests a Deadeye leaguestarter in his video
I'm playing this but only in a2 atm.
I'm gonna try different skills with it.
https://pastebin.com/CNkheGG3 copy this code into path of building.
Last edited by pencilsketch on Mar 3, 2018, 2:21:52 PM
Wait - the video has a different POB listed - which should I go with? The one from the video (PoB - https://pastebin.com/P4ghwurY) or the one just posted above?

Also, I went off in a bit of a different direction but one gets enough 'free' respecs to deal with it.

I wish there was a full-on guide about it. Feel... paralyzed by not having a solid base.

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