Forum Bug: (GMT+1:00 Central EUROPEAN Standard Time) is Wrong

So I just checked the post that told me when the league was starting, and it was showing (in my area time) that it started at 17:00 (download) and 20:00 (league), but I knew it always starts at 21:00...

So I went to check what my time on the forums was, and it was "(GMT+1:00) Central European Standard Time", and it was showing wrong. I had to change it to "(GMT+1:00) Central Europe Standard Time", which also happens to be the SECOND (not first/default) option that shows up for everyone looking for CET+1.

Care to fix it for almost everyone using CET+1 (since the wrong one shows first in the list).
Delete the wrong European one, and default people that had that option picked to the correct Europe one.
Last edited by Kaemonarch on Mar 2, 2018, 4:17:35 AM
Last bumped on Mar 4, 2018, 8:59:21 PM
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Thank you for your report! We'll be improving the options for this soon.
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