3.2 aurabot

so, im a noob. kind of my first build, just heard about this POB thing and decided to give it a go and about hour n half later i turn out with this. let me know what you guys think

update: https://pastebin.com/LNKfxMbZ

new one, pretty much same, more optimizing.
Last edited by Gaarashatan1 on Mar 1, 2018, 4:49:06 PM
Last bumped on Apr 24, 2018, 4:30:24 PM
alright, i thank i have pretty much the final interation up, now with more notes!
i just found this with searching aurabot on the forum, i dont know if you're still looking for advice os this but i'll give you my thoughts anyway. you dont need area of effect nodes on an aurabot, they can al be removed, the aoe scaling is next to worthless for aura range. going up through the witch area to connect to unnatural calm isnt point efficient , and you're better connecting foresight to that side of the tree instead, passing the jewel socket and taking that instead. the only reason you would go up through that witch section is if you wanted flask nodes (not recomended with iron reflexes due to point dilution) you should also take golems blood and the jewel socket next to it, and the jewel socket on the bottom left, near juggernaught,and the one near charisma, and place energy shield/int abyss jewels there. purity of flesh isnt very useful, and the points are better spent elsewhere, the chaos res can be gained on gear but it's not required, you will survive just fine at 0%. you have taken path of the witch, you can remove the int and the dex node to to the right of deep wisdom.

gem links: you have zealots oath and blood magic, you wont be able to cost any of your skills because you are using life to use them and have no life regen (rejuvination totem is too slow and you cant cast it due to mana cost anyway) you will need to remove the golem and the totem, and use a -10 mana cost watcher's eye, or elreon ring(s) or a shaper ewapon with "socketed movement skills cost no mana" to be able to shield charge.

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