[3.1]ASOA's 2H non-crit Cyclone build. Endgame viable. Good clearspeed.

Hello everyone!

This is the first time I ever make a build guide for PoE and the very first time I created my own build.

This build is not suitable for league start (although I do not know cause I made it two weeks after league started).

Core of the build is Raider+Slayer ascendancies for their unique perks. Absolutely lovely.

Basic idea is Frenzy Charges and a lot of Life Leech. Also Vaal Pact and Resolute Technique.

I am running all map tiers and sometimes facetanking stuff (like Chimera or Hydra).

Killed all 4 Shaper's guardians (Minotaur, Chimera, Hydra, Phoenix) and killed red tier Elder twice. There's plenty of stuff to do in the future though.

-Map clearspeed is on an expected level from a Cyclone build.
-It's not pure physical damage Cyclone.
-Scales well with investment.
-Fun. Cyclone is always fun.

-Sometimes things oneshot you if you can't avoid correctly.
-High budget (but there will be low budget version too).
-It's a melee build and sometimes you can be on the brink of death before being able to cut through packs.
-Curse on Hit doesn't work with Herald of Ash, so only one pure offensive aura (but that's just a preference).

Here are the items I use and then you'll see the price:

All flasks are cheap but one, you should figure out which one yourself. ;D

Gear commentary:

Atziri Disfavour 5L is perfectly fine. Before I ever got to use that Axe I was running with Starforge but it's kind of lackluster.

Before I got The Retch I used Belt of the Deceiver.

Before I got Sin's Rebirth Flask (and The Retch too) I was able to easily farm Lair of the Hydra and Maze of the Minotaur maps, Phoenix and Chimera I didn't try, but I do not think they are way harder w/o The Retch and Sin's Rebirth. Chimera's adds are going to be bigger pain in the ass.

I decided to pick Stark's head cause it gives good Life and high deffensive proc. Cyclone damage enchant is a must, duh.

Getting +1 Frenzy Charge corruption on Darkray Vectors is very nice buff but it's not a big necessity.

My gloves are kind of lackluster too, I wish I could have better ones, but they work and I'm a happy man.

I do not feel like there's an alternative to Belly of the Beast, it's getting cheaper on the markets so it is affordable even with lower budget.

Make sure you have Bleed removal, Freeze and Chill removal and something else on your flasks. Shock/Burning should be completely fine.

What can I say else? Jewelery is not as expensive (yet) as it can be. Amulet was 80c, rings are in range of 40-50c.

Cheaper version of the build that I would run:
Cheaper gear

For weapon I would chose 1 of the three with high amount of physical damage:
Edge of Madness
Kaom's Primacy
Doomsower has the highest phys damage between all of them, Kaom's has the highest attack speed and EoM is something in between. Good part about EoM is that it's low level sword and you can just pick it up and keep leveling with it.

Starks' Head is cheap itself, even with +40% Cyclone damage enchant. Will be between 40-60c depending on Life rolls. Without it's just few chaos.

Build lacks Life in it and is compensated by Belly of the Beast, it's not very expensive either atm. But if you can't afford it yet, pick up Bronn's Lithe. It's cheap and it boosts your dps by a big margin.

Gloves aren't hard to find either. Usually gloves with attack speed, 2 res and life are ~20c.

Darkray Vectors without +1 Frenzy Charge corrupt are just 1c, may be 2c if you want high lightning resistance roll.

Jewelery wasn't expensive to begin with. Iron rings with alright damage rolls, life and resistances are pretty cheap and lots of people underprice them anyway. Neck can be slightly harder to find or a bit more expensive, but the price is mostly high cause of phys damage rolls, you can find low rolls, you find cheap neck.

Just a nobrainer, very good belt for very low price. "Enemies are intimidated" means they take 10% more damage.

Atziri flask is very cheap, Lion's Roar will be ~15c and three other flasks are either made by yourself or bought for max 3c.

Here's the gem setup I run:

Added Fire Damage Support is the last gem you want to get into your links.

This is our Aura Setup. Last 4th gem is Enlighten Support so you can have more mana to spin.

I would run Herald of Ash - Enlighten - Enhance - Hatred setup, but I like having +3 Endurance Charges and +2% Life/Mana Leech from Warlord's Mark too. Plus it makes Immortal Call last almost 2 seconds, which is decent.

One important thing is that I run The Green Dream Jewel. It helps me to generate Frenzy Charges way easier and it adds 5% of my cold damage as bonus chaos damage (I hope I'll buy Blessing to make this gem into The Geeen Nightmare). Before that I ran Poacher's Mark instead of Warlord's Mark. It's very useful too. Blood Rage is obvious.


Totem setup is slightly weird with Increased Duration, but that's cause I am running Vaal Haste. Main point to have Increased Duration is for it, it happens that it works with totem too.

I do not like to always summon my Golem so it is in CWTD setup. CWTD Level 5, Enfeeble Level 7, Golem Level 5. No idea if it's even reasonable to level Immortal Call.

Mobility setup is obvious too. Can add Fortify Support too, but my boots do not have 3rd red socket in them, sad.

Jewels part is simple:

Get The Green Dream (I mentioned it before inside of Gems part), the most useful jewels will be Abyssal ones.

Since build is heavy on uniques there's not much room to get resistances from, so picking those up from jewels is good.

I'm glad there are millions of 10/10 abyssal jewels on the markets, it won't be hard to cap resistances.

Guideline to go: phys damage + life + damage/resists or damage + resists.

Getting Intelligence from jewels is okay too, since character is not too smart.

Also if you feel like it you can get resistances in your gloves. That will make them expensive :^).

And info for the tree:
Tree, leveling and bandits

I was leveling with 2H sword and Cleave until I was able to use Cyclone.

Picking weapon dependent traits in the tree is up for you. It's just that you gonna be picking either axe or sword traits near Marauder and Duelist starting points and need some regrets to respec when you get Atziri Disfavour(or not).

Your bandit choice is to kill all of them for 2 passive points. They are not counted in the tree linked from the site.

Level 41 tree.

Your first ascendancy is 2 points into Ranger. Basically you want to reach Resolute Tecnique asap and then start advancing towards frenzy charges. Make sure you reach Art of the Gladiator major trait so armor doesn't affect your movement speed.

Level 61 tree.

By level 61 iirc you will have 3 ascendancies done and be able to have both Raider and Slayer perks. Here you also make way towards Vaal Pact and gaining maximum Frenzy Charges.

Level 77-78 tree.

Here you work towards your last maximum Frenzy Charge and start picking up your resistances traits at the start of Scion path. Then work towards last damaging talents depending on your weapon (Sword/Axe). You should have your 4th ascendancy done too. Then work towards more leech, etc, etc. Start picking up socket slots and such. Until final build Level 91 build.

Level 91 tree.

Think I need to say few words about:

All of the Pantheon is amazing in my opinion. Something is good here and something there. Thought there are options that I like to pick way more times over the other.

Major gods:

I absolutely love Soul of the Solaris. Gives you very nice boostation during fights where you are surrounded. This is the most useful choice for Chimera fight. It's also useful on Hydra too.

You can pick Soul of the Brine King for Hydra and it will be useful, but when you have Freeze/Chill immunity flask, it becomes far more worse option.

Soul of the Solaris has good things in it too, but its more specific. Would find the best use on T15 Reef map boss.

Soul of Arakaali is neat, perk that boosts your recovery rate applies to leech, so every single time when you are under effect of Blood Rage and Immortal Call procs, you get leech speed boostation. Shock reductions and Lightning damage reductions are good for Minotaur fight.

Minor gods:

There are a lot of choices and every single one suits different situations.

But the one, that shines for us, I think, is Soul of Ralakesh. Cyclone is a movement skill and we always get the benefit from DoT damage reduction and chance to avoid bleeding is very good on its own. When you capture the Apex Hunter you get absurd bonus, can't be blinded or maimed. Maps with Vulnerability become easier or mobs that Maim do not matter for you anymore, piece of cake.

Another good option is Soul of Shakari. Build lacks chaos resistance, only source is Atziri Promise Amethyst Flask. Getting this is decent. Secondary perk from getting soul is you are immune to poison. Helps fighting one of Elder's guardians and such.

Soul of Yugul is a must if you intend to run reflect map. Soul of Abberath helps you when fighting Phoenix.

I still have a debate with myself over Iron Reflexes vs Acrobatics -> Phase Acrobatics (when I get to the point ofc) and I'm still testing what's better. I'll update when I figure.

Feel free to ask questions and I will try to answer them to the possible extent.

Thanks for reading and I hope you'll find this build fun and good for you!
Last edited by astateofart on Jan 5, 2018, 12:50:06 AM
Last bumped on Mar 5, 2018, 9:48:39 PM
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I seem to be a little mana starved, like sometimes I’ll stop cyclone half way through a pack as no mana, am I missing something please?
Personally I’d pick chance to bleed over added fire
I am him and he is I.
This build was so wrong

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