No longer staying logged onto website with Steam.


For the longest time if I logged in with my Steam connected account I would remain logged in. I doubt anything has changed on my end but now when I close my browser I'm logged out of the PoE website. My fear is this will get bounced back and forth with a "It's an issue with Steam" and when I go to Steam they'll say, "It's an issue with PoE's website".

Or the more likely from both sides, "It's an issue with your end". The problem is this happens on Chrome in Windows 10 and Android. This only started occurring a week or two ago.
Last bumped on Nov 29, 2017, 11:54:54 PM
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Can you check if Chrome is set to;
  • Continue where you left off on start-up
  • Not to delete your cookies / history automatically

On your desktop it would also be worth checking if any browser extensions, any PC cleaning software (e.g. CCleaner), or any security software might be interfering with cookies.

(This is kind of blaming your end, but in my defense: 1) I'm attempting to help, not just saying it's your fault, and, 2) If it's only changed for you, realistically it will be on your end.)
“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.
Last edited by Sarno on Nov 22, 2017, 10:08:20 AM
Honestly I've tried everything I can think of on my end. I've tried multiple computers. I've tried enabling 3rd party cookies. I've set [*.] and [*.] to trusted sites. I've even tried setting Chrome to restore tabs on restart.

After thinking about it more the only variable I can think of that has changed is I enabled Steam Guard's mobile 2nd form factor authentication. However I have since disabled it and I'm still getting logged out after every browser launch.

I can't stress this enough. This happens at home on two computers. This happens on my phone. I should really test it at work too but I doubt I'll have success. It can't be my end. It's just too coincidental.
Last edited by Maskawisewin on Nov 23, 2017, 11:32:31 AM
Hi there,

The cookie we give you when you log in with Steam is only valid as long as you keep your browser open (ie. a session cookie).

Some browsers like Chrome give you options to keep these around for longer. It sounds like they have changed this policy, which is why you're facing the issue you have now.

We'll fix this up on our end so that your session is remembered for 30 days (the same as logging in normally).
Web DeveloperView our Developer Docs
Last edited by Novynn on Nov 29, 2017, 11:32:49 PM
Thanks Web Developer #2, you're #1 in my book.

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