[3.0] CI / low-life glacial cascade mines

Hi. Like the idea of crit Glacial Cascade mines? Check out Windz's guide for the most sensible choice (life + Mind Over Matter): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1957409

That said, here's a decent CI variant. I am confident that a skilled player can easily reach level 100 in hardcore with this build. After mana reservations, it can lay 3 sets of mines before needing a mana flask.

But I heard CI is bad now. Can it do the thing?

Yes, it can do the thing. CI miners are still viable and still more expensive than their life counterparts.

Can it also do the other thing?

Yes, it also does the other thing.

What about low life?

Yes, you can also put on Shavronne's Wrappings and do the things.


CI variant

essential gems

Glacial Cascade - Remote Mine - Minefield - Increased Critical Strikes - Physical to Lightning - Trap & Mine Damage

Auras: Hatred, Discipline

Auto-detonation: Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 1) - Detonate Mines - Immortal Call

Sustained DPS vs bosses: Spell Totem - Detonate Mines



Passive tree: http://poeurl.com/bybj

And here's what I'm currently working on. It has less energy shield, is not immune to chaos damage, and requires some pretty expensive gear. On the plus side, the damage is better and the mana pool is easier to manage. After mana reservations it can lay 5 sets of mines before needing a mana flask.

Low-life variant

essential gems

Glacial Cascade - Remote Mine - Minefield - Increased Critical Strikes - Physical to Lightning - Trap & Mine Damage

Auras: Hatred; Discipline-Blood Magic

Auto-detonation: Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 1) - Detonate Mines - Immortal Call

Sustained DPS vs bosses: Spell Totem - Detonate Mines



Passive tree: http://poeurl.com/bybk

Path of Building link: https://pastebin.com/Y3fg8Ttp

even more expensive low-life variant

This version uses level 21 Blood Magic and level 4 Enlighten to run Herald of Ash.

essential gems

Glacial Cascade - Remote Mine - Minefield - Increased Critical Strikes - Physical to Lightning - Trap & Mine Damage

Auras: Hatred; Discipline - Herald of Ash - Blood Magic - Enlighten

Auto-detonation: Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 1) - Detonate Mines - Immortal Call

Sustained DPS vs bosses: Spell Totem - Detonate Mines



Passive tree: http://poeurl.com/byT4

Path of Building link: https://pastebin.com/hPbbzaKb

Last edited by cha_siu_bao on Sep 20, 2017, 7:25:51 AM
Last bumped on Oct 6, 2017, 1:42:41 PM
added new flavor of stupidly expensive low-life variant.

Even more stupidly expensive flavor coming soon™
Last edited by cha_siu_bao on Sep 20, 2017, 1:42:01 PM
Enjoying the build so far. Not quite the dps i had with blade flurry to start the league but the dps is somewhat decent so far. Did deathless shaper and uber atziri at level 80 with this build. Currently level 81 and just needing to grind some levels to get some more points. My biggest upgrade right now is to find someone with a glacial cascade conversion enchant on the helm so i can drop physical to light. That would be a big dps upgrade. But no one is ever on with one.

Current gear.

jdx3001 wrote:
Enjoying the build so far. Not quite the dps i had with blade flurry to start the league but the dps is somewhat decent so far. Did deathless shaper and uber atziri at level 80 with this build. Currently level 81 and just needing to grind some levels to get some more points. My biggest upgrade right now is to find someone with a glacial cascade conversion enchant on the helm so i can drop physical to light. That would be a big dps upgrade. But no one is ever on with one.

Current gear.

Nice gear, but what's the point of a Headhunter if the mines get the kills?

Lavianga's flask also seems like a bad choice unless you've got a huge mana pool. Why not just a nicely rolled sanctified?

You also have no warding flask. Mines can't be detonated if you're silenced. Sure, this isn't an issue if you're just killing Shaper and Uber Atziri... but food for thought when it comes to mapping.
Last edited by cha_siu_bao on Sep 21, 2017, 8:59:05 AM
Yeah, around 500 mana pool unreserved. Yeah you are right about that mana flask, i just like using that once for shaper. Lets you get a full set of mines out and some. So warding flask isn't really needed vs bosses.
You still get HH buffs. During beachhead maps, tooltip always climbs over 1 million tooltip in game. In the boss room, with this build you kill all the rares as soon as they spawn so even if someone else has headhunter you always get the buffs haha. Not to mention getting the 20k energy shield buffs. I use it for mapping/beachheads and crystal belt + maligaro gloves for shaper/atziri.
Last edited by jdx3001 on Sep 21, 2017, 10:24:16 AM
Just specced out of life into low-life and I'm having big mana issues.

How is this handled?
livejamie wrote:
Just specced out of life into low-life and I'm having big mana issues.

How is this handled?

After reservations, you should have at least 500 mana. Get comfortable with using your mana flask once every four mine lays. My preferred flask bases and prefixes:

Other players are fond of Bubbling or Seething mana flasks. You might want to look into those if my suggestions don't suit your playstyle.

I run Vaal Clarity - Increased Duration to make things more comfortable, but it's not essential. Shaper, Guardians, Uber Atziri, maps and their bosses... all can be done with a single, properly-rolled mana flask.
Last edited by cha_siu_bao on Sep 22, 2017, 10:35:54 PM
Can confirm, did in fact do the thing at level 88 (Only phoenix so far, but it was one of the easiest phoenix fights I've ever had) Worth noting, I took 4% mana reservation by scion ES wheel to run herald of ash and discipline in a vertex, using a 20 blood magic and level 3 enlighten. Works pretty well!

Also, using a cautious mana flask works too, it lasts longer and restores more.

Last edited by NotSoLuckyLydia on Oct 2, 2017, 7:59:22 PM
build seems very interesting I have close to 300ex maybe more got (vuln on hit acuitys to sell)I need to know whats the retarded expensive version lol. Last build of the league so I just throw all my currency to min max.
jdx3001 wrote:
Enjoying the build so far. Not quite the dps i had with blade flurry to start the league but the dps is somewhat decent so far. Did deathless shaper and uber atziri at level 80 with this build. Currently level 81 and just needing to grind some levels to get some more points. My biggest upgrade right now is to find someone with a glacial cascade conversion enchant on the helm so i can drop physical to light. That would be a big dps upgrade. But no one is ever on with one.

Current gear.

Nice gears, but what are you doing against bleeding?

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