[3.3] MF Windripper Deadeye | TS and Barrage | PoB Link


Im taking a long break from POE and will be leaving the guide up for others to look at or make there own updated versions of the guide. Pleasure playing with you guys!

Hey Guys,

Please read the guide thoroughly and do NOT message me in game with questions. Post here so everyone can read!

Ill Leave this here for people that dont like reading.

MBXpoe's Video Guide For The Build




+ Nice clearspeed
+ The sound of shatter
+ Up to 64/40% dodge!
+ Shaper Viable
+ Insane Movespeed!


- Can be VERY expensive
- Vaal Pact means No regen
- Cannot do Elemental Reflect Maps
- Not Beginner Friendly



Level 93 Deadeye Skill Tree

Deadeye - Path Of Building: https://pastebin.com/qMSqPhSQ

Ascendancy Points:

Deadeye Ascendancy: Gathering Winds > Farshot > Ricochet > Endless Munitions


We take +2 Skillpoints or Alira. Roughly the same in terms of power. Alira gives +15% All Res,Mana Regen and Crit Multi


For Major God: Max Upgraded Soul of Lunaris
For Minor God: Upgraded Soul of Shakari for Poison immunity


1-75 Leveling Guide


Example values. They will vary person to person




Gear Breakdown

  • Devoto's for a Attack and Movespeed. Great for Low to Mid Tier mapping.
  • Starkonja's Head is a all around helm, Used for higher tier content.
  • Lightpoacher is your Bossing content helm, Would only use if you get a 2 Socket abyss one.

  • Queen of the Forest is the hands down best option. Evasion flasks is amazing for movespeed.
  • Shroud Of The Lightless is your boss killer chest providing you with free 37% pen for all your elemental damage and a Abyss jewel slot.
  • Kaom's Heart is the best option for you Hardcore players. With good gear you should be able to get 7k life.

  • Use a Ventors when Mapping. Try get above 5% quantity and the rest positive stats.
  • Only Use a white corrupted Pariah's ring if you can do without needing the resists.
  • A Rare Ring with life, resists, Elemental Damage and Int if you want to run wrath gem.

  • Bisco's Lesh gives you Quantity and Rampage. Should be your go-to starter belt.
  • Headhunter makes the build stupidly fun.
  • Get a Rare Belt with life, resists and Elemental Damage with Attacks.
  • Get a Stygian Vise Belt with life, resists and Elemental Damage with Attacks.

  • Bisco's will be your initial mf amulet until you can switch to a shaper one.
  • Rare amulet with intelligence, Crit multi, Crit chance, life, Resists and Flat Lightning or Cold Dmg.
  • Rare Shaper amulet with Quantity + Any of the rare Amulet Mods should be better than the new Biscos.

  • Sadima's Touch are your main MF Gloves.
  • Rare Gloves you will be looking for Life/Flat Ele/AS/Acc/Res.
  • Tombfist will be your Best in slot for bossing content

  • Goldwyrms are your main MF boots.
  • Rare boots with resists, life, movement speed should be used if you cant fill resists.
  • Bubonic Trails will be the Best in Slot for Bossing content

  • Windripper is what the guide is biased on.
  • Chin Sol is your off hand weapon if your looking to take down higher content bosses quickly.
  • The Tempest is what you'll be using to level or cant afford a Windripper yet.

  • A Rigwald's Quills is definitely the best option for this build.
  • A Rare Quiver should have Life, Elemental Damage with Attacks, Crit multiplier and Attack speed.
  • A Rare Shaper Quiver should have Additional Arrow, Life, Elemental Damage with Attacks, Crit multiplier and Attack speed.
  • Hyrri's Demise is another option for damage focused quivers.

Unique Jewels:
  • Lioneyes Fall converts the claw nodes to benefit bows and gives you a nice dps boost along with good leech.

Abyss Jewels:
  • Life > Flat Ele To Attacks/Bows > Attack Speed > Crit Multi > Res if you need it

  • Life% > Attack Speed with Bows > Attack Speed > Crit Multi > Res if you need it

*Make sure to look for high cold damage on abyss jewels to proc freeze on enemies.


Atziris Promise and Added lightning To Attacks Vinktar are not essential flask's to have anymore with Abyss jewels. Wise oak should be used if you somehow balanced your resists.


1-2 Additional Tornado Shot Projectiles
1 Additional Barrage Projectile
25-40% increased Tornado Shot Damage
25-40% increased Barrage Damage
Lightning Arrow hits 2 additional Enemies

16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently
0.6% of Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently
1 to 160 Lightning Damage if you haven't killed Recently
Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently

Commandment Of Fury



Bow Or Chest
Tornado Shot - GMP - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Added Cold - Mirage Archer - Ice Bite

Bow Or Chest
Barrage - Increased Critical Strikes - Added Cold - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Elemental Focus - Slower Projectiles

Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks - Immortal Call - CWDT

Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassins Mark - Onslaught

Grace Or Wrath - Enlighten - Portal - Ice Golem

Alternatie Skills To Use

Ice Shot - GMP - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Chain - Added Cold - Mirage Archer

Lightning Arrow - GMP - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Pierce - Added Cold - Mirage Archer

6L Herald For STD Players
Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassins Mark - Onslaught - Item Rarity - Item Quantity



Thanks to: /r/SilkySnow_ for the image

*This is how i leveled my character. If you have a better way you dont have to follow the leveling guide.


I see these questions quite often.

Q. Why is my life so low?

A. Make sure you have 30+ life on your abyss jewels or other pieces of gear if you want to give up Item Quanity.

Q. Why is my DPS so low?

A.Make sure you have flat elemental damage on all your jewelry or Abyss Jewels. Make sure you are level 85+ and your gems are level 18+. You also want a 5 or 6L of some kind for your main map clearing skill

Q. How are you sustaining mana?

A. Grabbing Essence Sap will fix your mana issues until you can get better Abyss jewels/Gear. More Damage = More Mana Leech

Q. Why Lioneye's Fall?

A. Because we use it to convert the claw leech and Crit Chance/Multi to Bow modifiers which is an insane damage boost.

If you cannot afford the Lioneye's jewel. Instead get the duelist leech nodes and remove the claw nodes.

Q. Do I Need A Headhunter?

A. No! Its just a insane QOL

Q. Why is your character page alot different from the guide?

A. That's because i test alot of variations for the guide including skills gems and skill tree changes.


A. I enjoy playing standard with all the legacy MF gear. I dont use any legacy damage items, so the video showcases are achievable in league in terms of map clearing and DPS.

Q. Can i use Drillneck?

A. We scale elemental damage and Drillneck has none of that except Life and Attack Speed. Only use a +1 Drillneck for your Chinsol if you cant afford a decent shaper quiver.

Q. Were do i put my Lioneye's Fall And My Inspired Learning's?

A. Right here:

Unique Jewels Tree Locations

Lioneye's Fall goes here

Inspired Learning goes here

The End ^.^ Thanks for reading
[3.3] Windripper Deadeye

[3.3] VoidForge Crit Champion
Last edited by 1SexyGamerGuy#3895 on Jul 19, 2018, 8:37:18 PM
Last bumped on Jun 7, 2019, 1:51:35 PM
Please put up a video!

I just got a mirror drop and i'm really interested in trying this out with an HH.
Noob question.. why do we need lioneye's fall?
dvanha wrote:
Please put up a video!

I just got a mirror drop and i'm really interested in trying this out with an HH.

GZ on mirror drop! Shaper kill is being upload now!

Juraiz123 wrote:
Noob question.. why do we need lioneye's fall?

You put Lioneye's Fall just bellow soul raker node in the jewel slot to convert claws leech and crit chance/multi to Bows.

[3.3] Windripper Deadeye

[3.3] VoidForge Crit Champion
I bought everything you have. My helm doesn't have the barrage enchantment, but I got pretty much everything else.

I will switch the rings to ventors since i'm not bossing, only mapping. Do you think it would be a big deal to not have the elemental damage? I feel like it should steam roll maps without them.

Here's a link to the gear so far: https://pastebin.com/3HaUBQSe
Last edited by dvanha#6921 on Sep 10, 2017, 5:24:12 AM
dvanha wrote:
I bought everything you have. My helm doesn't have the barrage enchantment, but I got pretty much everything else.

I will switch the rings to ventors since i'm not bossing, only mapping. Do you think it would be a big deal to not have the elemental damage? I feel like it should steam roll maps without them.

Here's a link to the gear so far: https://pastebin.com/3HaUBQSe

Yeah, you should be able to map fine with that gear. Bossing should be fine without +2 barrage
[3.3] Windripper Deadeye

[3.3] VoidForge Crit Champion
What kind of jewels should I be looking for?

dvanha wrote:
What kind of jewels should I be looking for?

ive updated the guide with information on that.
[3.3] Windripper Deadeye

[3.3] VoidForge Crit Champion
Alright. Now i see how it goes. Will try out the build.
im running very similar build but with few diffrences.
what do you think about using innervate with aoe link? it doesnt lower aoe dps that much (cause you have buff fulluptime) and it helps a lot vs guardians (killing trash mobs with aoe grants 4 sec buff for barrage) that way it's basically 6.5 link barrage with no big downsides to aoe damage (which still is 1shotting packs anyway).
guardian wise its awesome vs phoenix (cause he spwans a lot of birds), good vs hydra (as long as u keep her mobs as "food"), ok vs mino (he spawns rock golems with his aoe slam).
it only doesnt work vs chimera, but that bow already its melting quite fast even with hp//ele res mods
another thing is taming. it provides 40% ele res + 60% ele dmg, also with new shock//ignite its not that hard to get another 40% bonus (i have 10-15 fire damage in gloves and it still ignites guardians full uptime + innervate provides 30% longer shocks).

and about your barrage links, if you have lots of ele% in gear wouldnt added cold + ice bite provide more dps than light pene + slower proj ?

also small thing with your tree if you remove 2 small passives (4 life 8 eva) near revenge of the hunted and take bravery(duelist start arena) u get 13 life and 24 eva for 2 points vs 8 life 16 eva
Last edited by soilwork3r#6178 on Sep 10, 2017, 1:45:24 PM

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