Consider darker, more realistic MTX for the future packs please.

I recently returned to the game after a few years break, and have been really enjoying the game's improved game-play, story and expanded mechanics. POE does virtually everything right for an ARPG (unlike many of its direct competitors), but if there is one single grudge I have with this game, its the visual design of the gear available to the players. That's the only aspect of the game that has not improved over the years at all...and what is especially strange, the rest of the game's visuals have - armor design on bosses and general mob in the newer acts looks amazing.

The design of most player gear, available both through free content and through mtx, is not only generally poorly designed, but often feels lore-breaking and out of place within the grim, atmospheric world of POE. Neon and flashy synthetic colors, corny futuristic space-looking suits, awkward proportions and overdone effects are not only simply there...they absolutely dominate everything that is available to the player for character customization. I would understand if it was an issue of demand (the company needs to make money, it's understandable), but from talking to fellow players I know that a large proportion of them (if not the majority) share the views I outlined above.

To cut this post short, I am not asking here for GGG designers to scrap entirely the current flashy gear style in favor of a darker and more realistic one...I'm merely asking to introduce some diversity for the different tastes in the future, and when possible, keep the visuals of the player gear closer to the game's atmospheric lore (like it has always been done with the non-player characters).

Thanks for reading through.
Last edited by Аstyanax on Aug 21, 2017, 9:42:46 AM
Last bumped on Aug 21, 2017, 9:34:24 AM

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