DW Sunder Gladiator HELP

Hey there,
i am love to play DW Sunder gladiator but i really struggle at Guardians and shaper is impossible for me. I have sensory overload caused by my austism. So i dont "realize" what happens on the screen. For example when Mino is under the earth.

Maybe u can help me with my gear, what upgrade i can get.

My Gear

+ The Red Nightmare Unique Jewel

I am looking for a 500pdps axe but its expansive.

Maybe change skilltree? i dont know what to do anymore. I tried icecrash for guardians and provides a bit more damage and no multistrike stun, so i can dodge sometimes.
Last edited by treitz on Aug 21, 2017, 3:57:38 AM
Last bumped on Mar 28, 2018, 12:08:12 PM
Hi there . i do not see how is impossible to beat guardian with ur current gear .
i did them with my gear in standard.

Knowledge is power. Guard it well ,Blood Ravens.

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