Help for Mana Tank / Static Strike Hierophant

I should preface this by saying I am fairly new to the game, although I spent days reading up on all the game mechanics now and made it to T12 maps so far.

Build link for PoB

This is /not/ the build I am playing currently, but rather the one I have been theorizing about. I know it requires quite a specific amount and rolls on gear to even function, so it's not gonna be cheap, but could that work?

The basic idea is Lightning Coil + Purity of Lightning to reduce a large amount of physical damage taken. In total it reaches 58% physical reduction on paper, 77% with a Granite Flask.

Life is around 5k - 5,5k with 40% damage taken from Mana, effectively a health pool of 8,3k - 9,2k health.

Because of Mind of the Council and the massive shock chance of the build, Mana should never be of any concern as it should regenerate like crazy.

Brain Rattler is the weapon of choice, simply because it seemed like the best damaging choice for this type of build, the added shock chance is also a great bonus.

Essence Worm is used so Purity of Lightning doesn't reserve any Mana, which is really important to sustain damage.

This is the theory behind the build, the DPS seems kind of low, even with Melee and AoE damage in mind, but maybe it's enough? This is the part I really have no idea about. I also am not sure if the Lifeleech is helping in any significant way.

Any sort of help or feedback is greatly appreciated!
Last bumped on Aug 16, 2017, 1:27:21 PM

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