Gladilayer [Slayer, Max Block, Leech, 450k+ DPS, Phys, Crit, Staff]


I am making an official guide and presenting to you the build I just came up with

This list is for my META version
(META as in truly show-case quality items, not mainstream hipster though)

- Slayer
- Very simple game play (only 4 skills key bound)
- Dual Blasphemy, +Herald of Ice for Crunchy Goodness
- 300k Critical DPS with Cold, Ranged Melee Sunder (Flasks & Charges, Onslaught & Blood Rage)
- 78/78% Max Block with Rumi's, Initial lower block chance helps with getting Blood Rage and Ice Golem up. (Yay, synergy)
- 20% Cull, this should be the only thing on the list TBH...nothing else matters
- Insane Slayer Leech, and bonuses
- Did I mention this is not a Meta build, 100 points to Uniqueness!
- Only one Six Link Required
- Amazing skill tree synergy, no node goes to waste!
- I got 99 problems IRL and POE Mana Aint one

- Min Maxed gear to get to this status, otherwise, my simpler less damaging RT Version is great and somewhat cheap (especially for an endgame viable build)
- Addictive A.F.
- Others Yet to be discovered

History & Inspiration
I love my Gladiator for the block and tankiness, Soul Takerness and Corpse Explosions
But I loved my Slayer for the awesome DPS and Leech, and that 20% Cull is more amazing than you can imagine

So I thought to myself, for months, how the hell am I going to be able to forge together the tankiness of leech and Max Block, along with the deadly DPS of a Critical Striking build?

The inspiration came from my usual days of just logging in to go on chat, and I say "Man, I just wish GGG can make a block based 2 handed sword!

I've been playing this game for 4 years, yet my thinking was so linear...Until someone in chat said "Duh, that weapon is called a Staff".

Pish Posh i say, but I looked into it deeper, and I realized...just because it doesn't have a pointy edge and sharp sides, doesn't mean it's not a block weapon after all! And so I began building this build until perfection.

I made this with as little currency as possible, with items that I horde and refuse to sell.
I slapped together a Bringer of Rain, Anvil, and Hegemonies Era Staff, along with 4x Reckless defence, and Rainbow Strides to help bring that block and spell block on par. I was sitting on a whopping 73/75% chance to block, with 170k DPS, with RT. Mind you the Slayer ascendancy is amazing, with the 20% cull, and amazing leech, nothing could hurt me. I found the nodes to lower incoming crit damage, and relied on Enfeeble for extra security. I felt unstoppable!

I managed to complete T15 Core for the first time WITH EASE, and with only 45 cold resistance! (I died twice because I wasn't use to the mechanics of this fight!) I thought to myself...there must be more...and I was right...but way more right than I thought!

After refining my thought process and sleeping on the idea, I woke up with an insane idea.
Sure, block that's ALWAYS on MAX is nice, but if I wanted to ditch the Bringer of Rain, and add more wiggle room to my build, I had to rely on Rumi's Concoction. The sacrifice was worth it.

I altered the tree just enough to get my crit to a whopping.......25% CRIT CHANCE! with 76% Accuracy!

FODASE! This is so low. Not only do I have 65% Block now without my flask, but my crit SUCKS.
I thought harder...and thinking harder cause a little hemorrhaging in the brain, I tell my parents that it's not a tumor, but it is...because shit got out of hand really fast.

I realized that I could have SIX power charges instead of four!
I realized that my legacy Anvil, that was sitting in my sales tab for 1 year listed at 50 exalts hasn't sold (because it had +1 curse!). I also realized I can get rid of rainbow strides, and replace my rings, and add massive attack speed boosts to my blood rage and boots through enchantment!
I boosted my HP and DPS with a 6 linked Belly, and I finally put everything together...85% crit, with 85% chance to hit...I fucking did it!

Current Gear + Gem Links

Current Flask Setup

Current Jewels
4x Reckless Defence

Basic Stats + Bandits + Tree
I'm too scrub to post pictures, so I'll write it out instead
I will only give you fully buffed / regular game play statistics

Basic Overview
HP: 5.2k
DPS: 490,000 DPS, 7.5 Attacks / Second, 87% Crit, 440% Crit Multiplier, 85% Chance to Hit. 20% Cull
Over Capped Resistances, -60% Chaos Resistance
78% Block / Spell Block
Insane Slayer Over-Leech
Did I mention 20% Cull, oh of course I did, it deserves 20% more attention too!

Oak (+40 HP), Point, Alira (Power Charge)


I hope you enjoy this simple showcase.

I will make this guide much more intricate once I see some feedback and requests.
"Your grandchildren will awaken screaming in memory of what I utter today!"
- Path of Exile, Legacy Whispers of Doom Keystone
Last edited by NaarJitsu on Jun 16, 2017, 12:24:13 PM
Last bumped on Jun 16, 2017, 12:23:52 PM

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