Race Event 92: 2 Week Mayhem

This event is part of the Beta Events Schedule. You can read more about this schedule here.

Standard rules for league events apply. Please click this link if this is your first race event.
A guide has been posted here which covers general aspects and strategies of racing.

Dead characters will still be eligible for prizes.

Changing your Ascendancy Class has been disabled for the event.

Active Mods
The following league mods are active during this event:
  • Mayhem: Each area other than towns and the Twilight Strand will contain large numbers of dangerous inhabitants of one out 5 different types: Rogue Exiles, Tormented Spirits, Invaders, Strongboxes or Breaches. These are consistent within specific area for all players, and change hourly. This race type is voided.


The top player of each of the ascendancy classes by experience will receive an Alternate Art Demigod's Dominance (Unique Golden Mantle).

Prizes for this event:
The following prizes are available to players who meet specific level thresholds. These prizes are shared with the 2 Week Mayhem HC Event and 2 Week Mayhem HC Solo Event.:
  • Level 30: 300x Beta Keys, 150x Ghostflame Footprints, 150x Seraph Footprints, 150x Lightning Footprints, 150x Ebony Footprints, 150x Gore Footprints.
  • Level 50: 75x Arctic Skull, 75x Lightning Skull, 75x Gore Skull, 75x Ghostflame Skull, 75x Infernal Skull.
  • Level 85: 75x Demon King Horns, 75x Raven Wings.
Gameplay & Level Design
Need help? Contact support@grindinggear.com
Last edited by Henry_GGG on Jun 13, 2017, 11:56:22 PM
Last bumped on Jul 11, 2017, 9:49:43 AM
Will the modifier of each area be visible before entering it? eg when hovering the cursor over it on the World Map or Atlas?
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
Summoner wrote:
Will the modifier of each area be visible before entering it? eg when hovering the cursor over it on the World Map or Atlas?

Doubt it. It changes hourly and works for every zone so you can go anywhere to find out what the modifier is.
This event is part of the Beta Events Schedule. You can read more about this schedule here.

The "here" link isn't actually a valid link. It just links to the word link.
DixonYamouf wrote:
Summoner wrote:
Will the modifier of each area be visible before entering it? eg when hovering the cursor over it on the World Map or Atlas?

Doubt it. It changes hourly and works for every zone so you can go anywhere to find out what the modifier is.

Warbands and tempests were shown on the world map in their respective leagues; that system fell apart in maps though and we had to use 3rd party sites to keep track of what was going on where. The latter was one of the major complaints about the leagues at the time; with the atlas though GGG can share the info with everyone in game.

You can see them on the world map in the middle of the warband and tempest leagues launch video.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
Last edited by Summoner#6275 on Jun 3, 2017, 6:15:11 PM
Level 30: 200x Beta Keys,

yeah, this races finishes when the 3.0 is released...
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
this one gonna be sick, did they ever did mayhem event in the past??
Rampage Rank 7 lv 100 BONJWA_TOP_DAWG
Talisman SC Rank 7 Lv 100 LaBonjwa_Neymar
Really looking forward to this race!

Some q's though:

1) Will it be a solo race or will I be able to trade? (Important for attainability of treshold jewels for instance)

2) How many is 'large numbers of inhabitants'? Really hope its the same 20 as in the Everywhere races!

3) I think i already know this one, but can't hurt to ask - being a race i suppose there'll be no hideout/masters?
Last edited by Toverkol#3305 on Jun 11, 2017, 5:32:24 AM
Is there a reason for the progress/tracker bar for rewards on the events tab to still be on "Medallion" race progress? And will it be updated to track this race seasons progress?

I really hope this is combination of Monstrous Treasure, Exiles everywhere, Uber beyond, and not sure on breaches and spirits. I'm hoping its super crazy. It would be nice to have a bit more info on this.

Thank you

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