Slayer Terminus Est Flicker - Good leaguestarter? - All content down

Hello Exiles,
This is my first guide ever on these forums - also please note english is not my first language.

So you want to play a fun build?
Tired of standing still and casting/attacking?
Sounds like FLICKER STRIKE is the skill for you!

What the build can do:

-Can do Shaper - really easy - for me, personally, it's the easiest fight there is (endgame content)
-Can do all breaches, Chayula is not a problem.
-Can do all guardians - careful on map mods though, can't do them with enfeeble/extra damage/vulnerability/ <insert really rippy mods>
-Can do ALL content in game - yes, even Uber Atziri - although I personally suck at it, I managed to kill her couple of times, more to be discussed later.
-Can run 1 type of reflect map at a time (up to T15 maps, I do not recommend to try T16's - can be really hard depending on mods)

What the build can NOT do:
- Run double reflect maps
- Run cannot leech maps

I also do not recommend doing Enfeeble/Temporal chains/Vulnerability/extra monster life T15+ maps - you can do them eventually but takes forever and you're better off rerolling the map.

After many many tries I settled for this tree as being the perfect tree for the build, considering I do not have access to 200 skill points (can we get 200 skill points GGG? Pretty please, with sugar on top?):


Bandits are:
Normal - Oak
Cruel - Kraityn
Merciless - Kraityn

My character: LastRerol_l


Use lacerate until level 51 and when you get a Terminus Est and start flickering,
or read:

You can level just fine with flicker as soon as you get it in A1 at level 10.
Flicker/melee splash/Added fire damage - 3L + melee damage in A2 (4th link)
Leap slam in another item, will get faster attacks.
You need a strong 2h Axe - best dmg base at start and should be used until you get Terminus Est and you start getting sword nodes - you can do the rustic sash recipe or get lucky with an essence - I got lucky on that.
After that, every 10 levels, upgrade your weapon, rest of the gear does not really matter (get some life/res though) until you hit merciless - you need resists once you hit merciless so it's a big gear check.
Gameplay: Flicker, leap, repeat, get quests done, go to next area.

In act 2 you will get Faster Attacks - link to Leap Slam.
Also you will be getting Blood Rage - after this you should be fine and the leveling will go a lot smoother.
At level 38 you replace added fire damage with multistrike (or, if you got a 5L you will just add multistrike to your setup - not recommended until you solve your mana issues).
Level 51 is where the fun begins: get a Terminus Est, rolls don't matter at this point.
I also recommend getting the Normal Labyrinth done at this point = Bane of Legends is soooo strong.
Continue leveling up to Merciless, when you hit Dried Lake, go do Cruel Lab (is lvl 55) - get Impact and remove the melee splash gem. your level should be 65 or more to be comfortable in cruel lab.

Start farming Dried Lake, gather currency - no chaos recipe please.
5L your Terminus Est, gather currency and start getting your slots.
Eventually at lvl 72+ you can start doing low tier maps.
Merciless Lab should be doable at lvl 75 rather easy, depending on your gear.
Uber Lab is recommended to be done after level 80, when your gear is quite decent (for a league starter).

Tree with 23 skill points:
Tree with 50 skill points:
Tree with 65 skill points:
Tree with 80 skill points:
Tree with 95 skill points:

Alternative tree:

The most important part of the character is... the


My gear - for mindless mapping:

For the shaper fight (or guardians except Chimera)- replacing fortify with melee damage on full life and Devoto's with

This will burn down Shaper/guardians really fast :)
I use Devoto's for Chimera and for mapping cause it's ... fast :)

I must insist on getting a pair of Atziri's Acuity gloves.

Those kinda make or break the build - for the T16 content, Shaper, Uber Atziri. BUT mostly for the INSTANT mana leech they provide (yep, that is correct).
You will be fine up to T14 without them, using a good pair of rares or Maligaro's Virtuosity.
After that, you will be hard pressed to get a pair of Acuity.
Because they are a must for the build to work.

Let's do a gear breakdown.
You can start with rares, HP on every slot is a must, the setup will be changed a bit after you get your endgame gear.

Weapon - 5L Terminus Est - Endgame: 6L Terminus Est: 255%+ increased damage and 74%+ increased critical strike.

Helm - start with a Rare with resists/life - Endgame: Devoto's or Abyssus.

Neck - cheap Carnage Heart - Endgame - Near perfect rolled Carnage Heart

Chest - high life (with some resists) - Endgame - Kaom's Heart with 20% Chance to Avoid being frozen.

Belt - rare with high life, some resists - Endgame - The Retch ( 60% increased flask duration, 15% movement during flask effect AND extra damage for leech = perfect for Slayer) - Headhunter is nice but NOT NEEDED for this build.

Gloves - rare with high life, attack speed - Endgame - Atziri's Acuity

Rings - rares with life, accuracy rating, lots of resists, Elemental Damage with Weapons and/or Added phys damage. Rings are your source of accuracy - sword has 360, tree has 200, you need at least 320 flat accuracy on 1 ring for the build to be ok on this part.

Boots - rares with life, resists - Endgame - Darkray Vectors with +1 frenzy charges corruption.

Jewels - resists, % life, 2 damage mods: best mod would be attack speed with (2H)swords.


Lion's Roar
Taste of hate - it has 30% chance to avoid being frozen with kaom's and tree: 58% chance to avoid being frozen - has to do the trick (worked fine for me, never died to being frozen)
Atziri's Promise - 25/15 should still be cheap.
Diamond flask - depending on your last flask slot: can be of Grounding - remove shock, or it can be of Iron Skin - 90%+ armour (works great since lion's roar is a granite flask)

Last flask: I went for Sin's rebirth as it gives the most damage versus bosses.
You can use a Vessel of Vinktar but you only get 1 use and it sucks versus bosses (even with The Retch's extra flask duration, you will have very few bosses you can burn in 8seconds)
Legacy vinktar is OP and would be better than Sin's rebirth.

The Helm discussion:

While leveling, I recommend using Devoto's 100% of the time.
The movement speed, the extra attack speed, minor chaos resists - make for a great overall helm.
Also it gets around 60 dex = 120 accuracy - very important.
You will not be dealing insane amounts of damage but you need to be safe while leveling, and that extra movement/attack speed help.

After you reached your leveling goal - you can start using Abyssus.
I do recommend using Abyssus with fortify in your 6L, it feels better.

There are certain fights that require Devoto's and some fights that (for me, personally) Abyssus feels better.

Let's break them down:

Flicker / Melee physical damage / Increased Critical Strikes / Multistrike

These 4 gems will not be changed as long as you are using Flicker

When using Abyssus, while mapping, you will use Physical to Lightning(anti physical reflect protection) and Fortify. You will also replace Herald of Ash with Arctic Armour

When using Abyssus, for the shaper fight, you will use Increased Critical Damage and Melee Damage on full life. - This is the best damage setup there is and will burn down Shaper VERY fast.
You cannot use this setup while mapping because 1 Physical reflect Rare = 1 crit - insta death.

Abyssus works great for Chayula breach, using Physical to Lightning and Fortify.

Other than that, Devoto is your go to helm, you can play around with the gems.

Gem setups:
All gems should be lvl 21/20 unless specified:

6L - Terminus Est 1G3R2B - Flicker / Melee physical damage / Increased Critical Strikes / Multistrike / Fortify / Increased Critical Damage.

4L Devoto's Devotion 2R2G - Hatred / Herald of Ash / Leap Slam / Blood Rage
4L Abyssus 1R3G - Hatred / Arctic Armour / Leap Slam / Blood Rage

4L gloves (or boots) 2R1G1B - lvl 12 CWDT + lvl 14 Ice Golem + lvl 15 Assasin's Mark + lvl 20(21?) Ancestral Protector

There are 2 different setups for Sin's Rebirth or Vinktar:
1- Sin's rebirth
4L gloves (or boots) 1R1G2B - lvl 1 CWDT + lvl 5 Blade Vortex + 20/20(23?) Power charge on crit + Vaal Lightning trap

2- Vessel of Vinktar
4L gloves (or boots) 1R1G2B - lvl 1 CWDT + lvl 5 Blade Vortex + 20/20(23?) Power charge on crit + level 8 Ice Spear

The Helm Enchant will be Uber lab enchant: "9% increased flicker strike damage per frenzy charge"
If unavailable, 40% increased flicker strike damage is close enough.

Please understand that the build is quite level hungry and I do not recommend considering the build finished until you hit level 93. Level 97 is not hard to do these days and it is recommended (unless you go for lvl 100 and enjoy the complete tree)
the level 93 tree is:
the level 97 tree is:

The gear choices are quite simple and obvious, 3 side notes:

Kaom's heart brings 500hp (legacy version would be AWESOME, would add 1.5k life at level 100 with finished tree)
Vessel of Vinktar - is very strong (legacy version would be AWESOME, would add alot of damage via The Retch belt and with 2x usage it would be good vs bosses too).
Sin's Rebirth, while expensive is well worth it if you can get it. Vaal Lightning trap will do the job versus the hardest bosses.

That being said, the game is in a poor state at the moment:
I died 4 times from level 99 to 100 to volatiles in Poorjoy runs, random 1 shot is not acceptable when flickering at 15 attacks/second, especially when you have 7100hp and permanent fortify up.
And do not give me that "hover over them and stop attacking/run away" bullshit. You cant see them with 100 spells being cast on the screen and when everything goes so fast.
Ok, I suck at dodging slams/flameblasts ("cough, Uber Atziri is hard for me :( "cough") but random deaths to volatiles while not being a glass cannon is not acceptable, especially when you see ES builds cruising the game like a walk in the park.

The defensive screen,
-no flasks/buffs up:
-with flasks up:

The offensive screen, no flasks, maximum damage versus shaper:
Abyssus, critical damage and melee damage on full life:
-no buffs:
-full buffs, charges, flasks:

Devoto's, critical damage and fortify - recommended setup for safe mapping and leveling and UBER LAB farming - works great in lab:
You should not die to reflect (ever) with this setup but, if it happens:
Replace Critical damage with Physical to Lightning might be better for mapping, in order to avoid spiky reflect physical damage due to the high critical multiplier.

All bosses have been rather easy for me, except Uber Atziri - I only managed to kill her couple of times (I admit I suck at this particular fight) and

Uber Atziri setup can be:
Cyclone/melee phys damage/fortify/weapon elemental damage/concentrated effect/phys to lightning
Cyclone/melee phys damage/fortify/Melee damage on full life /concentrated effect/critical strike damage.

Or you can use Viper strike instead of Flicker strike:
Viper strike / Melee physical damage / Increased Critical Strikes / Multistrike / Fortify / Increased Critical Damage

Devoto's will be used for the Uber Atziri fight. - no abyssus there.

Videos to be added at a later date, if you got questions you can ask me here or on my Twitch.

I am sure there's a lot I left out so I'll prolly be editing this at a later date.

Last edited by Mobsy on Jul 30, 2017, 9:45:59 AM
Last bumped on Aug 23, 2017, 7:37:04 AM
can you upload some videos? of endgame bosses?
Really nice build and even better player! Will make sure to try this build asap
Looks pretty nice. A video would be nice though
I like your build and have compared it with the other Flicker Strike builds online. I am curious as to where you get your resistances from? The gear I see won't provide near the amount needed to play ion a lot of situations.
WolfeDude wrote:
I like your build and have compared it with the other Flicker Strike builds online. I am curious as to where you get your resistances from? The gear I see won't provide near the amount needed to play ion a lot of situations.

My gear is enough for Elemental Weakness cap :) @169+
Jewels have (some) resists on them (all 5).
2,2m deeps without The Retch damage... how the fuck did you get it so high? I'm impressed.

Also i think you would be stronger with a corrupted +1 frenzy charge Carnage Heart.

Some videos would be nice too...

HyP_ wrote:
2,2m deeps without The Retch damage... how the fuck did you get it so high? I'm impressed.

Also i think you would be stronger with a corrupted +1 frenzy charge Carnage Heart.

Some videos would be nice too...


Did I say just 2.2Mil?
my bad:

To be honest, I dont feel like promoting the build anymore since GGG has been turning into "Activision (note I did not even bother saying Blizzard anymore) type of company, nerfing (fun?) builds"

Why promote the builds you like so that you can give the Nerf-bat a bigger target?
Prolly better to just stay under the radar.

You can use Path of building and input my character as it is not set to private.

You need the stats from Carnage Heart... good luck finding a very good roll with a +1 frenzy charge - would prolly be 1-2 Mirrors depending on rolls.
You can also say Legacy Kaom's Heart would be nice to have 8.5k hp instead of 7.1 :) ...
Last edited by Mobsy on Jun 16, 2017, 8:34:00 AM
You didn't said it was just 2,2m. That's what i calculated from your DPU x AS in the screenshot, but yeah, i figured The Retch would increase it by another 50% or so.

I dont think a well rolled Carnage Heart with frenzy charge would be that expensive, just found this ones on for 5 ex:

+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
+37 to all Attributes
+18% to all Elemental Resistances
1.48% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
50% increased Life Leeched per second
40% increased Damage while Leeching

+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
+29 to all Attributes
+20% to all Elemental Resistances
1.62% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
50% increased Life Leeched per second
40% increased Damage while Leeching
Extra gore

You don't seem like a poor person to me :)

Now a legacy Kaom... well, one can dream about it.

About GGG nerf bat, i think we're safe for now as i don't see any top streamer promoting it. Let's hope it stay that way.

Nonetheless, gratz for making this awesome toon, i still want to see it in action, plz make those videos.
Last edited by HyP_ on Jun 16, 2017, 5:00:06 PM
HyP_ wrote:
You didn't said it was just 2,2m. That's what i calculated from your DPU x AS in the screenshot, but yeah, i figured The Retch would increase it by another 50% or so.

I dont think a well rolled Carnage Heart with frenzy charge would be that expensive, just found this ones on for 5 ex:

+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
+37 to all Attributes
+18% to all Elemental Resistances
1.48% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
50% increased Life Leeched per second
40% increased Damage while Leeching

+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
+29 to all Attributes
+20% to all Elemental Resistances
1.62% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
50% increased Life Leeched per second
40% increased Damage while Leeching
Extra gore

You don't seem like a poor person to me :)

Now a legacy Kaom... well, one can dream about it.

About GGG nerf bat, i think we're safe for now as i don't see any top streamer promoting it. Let's hope it stay that way.

Nonetheless, gratz for making this awesome toon, i still want to see it in action, plz make those videos.

Those are definitely good amulets but I need 19@res to be elem weakness capped (I know, one @res) Indeed, 1 more frenzy charge would be nice and the build can survive without the 16 attributes from the amulet implicit.
About the videos part, if you want to see a demo of the char, I can fire up the stream and run a quick shaper kill or some other boss/guardian :)
Just message me ingame and, if I'm online, I'll do the run :)

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