Ancient Seal

Towards the end of The Vaal Ruins, there is the Ancient Seal which you must click on to progress further. This activates the Shadow of the Vaal main quest. As you approach and when you get to the Ancient Seal, there are a multitude of whispers looped on an audio track.

I love this sound effect and think it is the neatest thing, but no matter where I look, I can't find any of your released soundtracks that includes this as a track. Did I miss it, somewhere, or have you guys never released this or even considered people might be interested in it?

I (and I'm sure many others) would love to be able to download this. Is it (or will it be) available somewhere for download?
Last edited by DESNIMC0 on Apr 25, 2017, 5:16:39 PM
Last bumped on Jun 4, 2017, 2:44:38 PM
Thanks for the reply!

I've found myself leaving PoE on in the background with a character at the Ancient Seal, so I can listen to the whispering while playing other games or working on this or that. It is awesome atmospheric background noise. I check Youtube every month or so to see if anyone's taken the initiative to record it or make a track of it somehow, but so far no luck.

I was hoping it was a looping audio track and not something more difficult to work with, which from what you say it sounds like that's the case. I guess I'll have to figure out a way of making a track myself, maybe something as simple as a program that records audio, and then editing the track to crop it at just the right start-end points to make a good track. That way, I don't have to always have the game open, until something official comes out, if it ever does.

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