Help with cyclone build.

I am currently using a cyclone build, and the damage so far is great, but im having trouble suviving. As of now i am level 62 with 1,895 health and 30 energy shield. My defensive setup is Cast when damage taken linked to immortal call and increased duration. I am even using windscream reinforced grieves for the 70% extra armor , but i cant even tell if its helping at all.
Last bumped on Mar 25, 2017, 11:31:46 AM
Hi, you not let visible your character so not easy to help you but the first i can say it s 1900 life very very low for a lvl 60+....yours resistances are capped too ? are you lvl your "Cast when dommage taken" gem ? ....
If the mods on uniques or rares don't contain the word "global", they only affect the item itself. So the 70% increased armour on Windscream only affects the armour that you get from Windscream (100 armour -> 170 armour).

I would suggest that you make your profile/character page public (doable in the settings) so that we can inspect your char and give you better tips. The most common mistakes are getting not enough life% nodes on the skill tree and not wearing items with a lot of hp (upwards of 70). Your life is really low, at 62 you should have around 3-4k HP.
Current league chars: Bladestorm Champion SSF
Last edited by Shaileen on Mar 25, 2017, 4:37:04 AM
Ok sorry i just made my character page public so you can see my exact setup. Any help is appreciated.

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