PvP balance feedback
In my opinion the only why PvP would work well is by reducing the gap between gear and damage. You should make damage scale like 1/10 like it is today for pvp. May be some reduced damage in arena? Also you should reduce the gap some skill combination feel OP in some situations. The balance system is like rock/paper system, may be mages should kill melee str, melee str should kill dex melee and dex melee should kill mages? Right now dex melee skills feel OP for PvP. Superior movement and dps.
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" so good sir what you goin to do when encounter mara that regen 800 hp\s |
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its very simple - it will be draw. If he manages to regen that much life, he shouldn't be able to do any damage. If he can regen that well + do good damage to kill you, then something is broken.
It also means that such high defense marauder will never win in 1x1 cause his damage has to be low, he should only be good in 3x3 or cuthroat league to help team. ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard Last edited by Ramanuga#7754 on Feb 24, 2013, 12:22:30 PM
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he still have chance to kill non regen char
and non regen char dont have chance to kill this mara due do major dps reduction btw this discussion is pointless ^^ Last edited by kiersz#4644 on Feb 24, 2013, 12:25:27 PM
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That simply means its not balanced, anyone that can regen so much, or even less, should never do enough damage to kill anyone.
ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
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it balanced
you can make build that deal high dps so you make that regen pointless but thread starter want to reduce only dps and dont think about new problem it cause |
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I think his idea is very correct. The specifics might be diferent, but idea is that there should be no 1-2 shot games. At least, it should take 3-5 shots to kill with extremelly high dps/low defense build/gear, while it should take 5-10 hits to kill with avarage dps/defense gear, and like 10+ hits to kill with low dps/high defense build/gear. These are just examples.
Now we can see that there is possibility to have some high dps/defense builds that kills in second while at the same time having decent defense. The main problem it could create though is too low damage and no CC, which would allow oponent to run away and regen, which would simply lead to draw. So, in order for this to work well, damage should not be reduced too much + some more CC options should be there to allow to catch enemy easier if he tries to run away and regen. Now, basicly only with flicker strike you can catch oponent. Thats kinda limiting. ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard Last edited by Ramanuga#7754 on Feb 24, 2013, 12:45:49 PM
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we know that many new skill will be added so i think there will be pvp skill that solve that problem
anyway i dont like oneshot games too but this game when you spent tons time on your items so ppl who do it dont like that "abstractly reduction" if you cant oneshot enemy what point in best gear ? for example one player has ten times better gear than other how you want to balance their duel |
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Definetely, one with better gear must have advantage (at least in normal pvp/cuthroat). But if player has decent (not perfect gear) he should not be 1-2 shoted by anything. And decent gear is not that hard to get. Decent gear means you can at max get 2 times better gear, but not more, like 5 or 10 times.
+ there should be tournaments or smth like that where you get equal gear with oponent, or everyone farms for some time and then tournament starts. This would atract people that do not like to spend lots of time to get best gear to one shot someone who did not. ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
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the most obvious issues that come to mind:
- gap closers and generally movement skills with no cooldown - no diminishing returns on cc - stupid skill interactions -- e.g. freeze pulse with lmp/gmp hits a single target 3/5 times afaik - not enough defensive skills -- need self shields that proc dmg/stuns/heals or even movement (vide BLC trances) on hit or on dmg threshold, self and aoe offensive nad defensive dispells, possibly aoe hots - curses with no cooldown; also temp chains would be the useful curse, which would basically give cancer/aids/flu to everyone participating - dmg and regen scaled for pve -- with a proper bow my elemental hit (5L) would probably be doing 16k dps, a 6L even more... with 4-5k life im also assuming that the base for any sort of pvp in poe will be a 3v3 arena, based ona bo3 to win the match, with each round lasting around 1-2 minutes. the way poe skill system is done is also a pretty good base for a solo queue -- players matched together would adjust their skill setups before the match starts. IGN Pamila / Pfily, CET zone
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