[2.5.1] Immortal Blades (now with 100% less blade vortex) (permanent Immortal Call)

Once upon a time, I self cast immortal call using endurance charges gained from Voll's Protector, the Heirophant ability "Conviction of Power" and blade vortex. And then they took away 30 knives because it was "too many knives" they said. "Holy shit, calm your tits" they said.

But my breasts shall not be placated! Away with Voll's Protector! Using Romira's Banquet, Resolute Technique and Blade Flurry, we can continue to use the Heirophant's wonderful services to generate endurance charges, but now with "Cast while channeling" you don't even have to self cast! What's more, the 4 second cooldown means that you can shove in more skills in between the IC casts.

And what you receive is this, a preliminary build that has only gone past the proof-of-concept phase. Unfortunately, in proving the concept I became rather broke. However, being the clutz that I am, I had initially designed the build for the Soul Taker axe because apparently I can't read, but even when I switched to a dagger (now claw), I was still able to maintain 100% IC uptime against even a single target despite having absolutely no dagger-specific bonuses.

All else is still subject to change; the number of auras has to be reduced since Soul Taker is not an option. Bronne's Lithe is also just a choice of convenience in place of a more deliberately chosen piece of body armor. (Edit: I've just discovered that I've been accidentally self-casting the totems so gotta replace those...) Casting vortex between the ICs seems to help by keeping enemies clumped together and slowing them down just in case your IC does lapse for a moment. Saffell's Frame is just there because it's awesome, even though it has spell damage bonuses.

Expect more to come as I actually refine the build next league. For now, any suggestions and criticisms would be very welcome! Eventually I will make this into a fully-fledged guide with pictures and videos and such. Thank for you for reading and please do come visit again during Legacy!

Current setup:

Placing IC second prevents you from wasting it when you're only clearing trash.
Last edited by Scenic_Byway on Feb 19, 2017, 1:19:15 PM
Last bumped on Jun 10, 2017, 9:46:26 AM
Nice idea, hope you finish it eventually

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