Please Add Decent Sounds for warcries

Current War-cries sounds are bland and barely noticeable on duelist and marauder (they sound like having trouble taking a dump on a toilet ffs) and i believe the rest of the classes don't even have sounds for them.

PoE music is beyond amazing but sound effects of some skills are quite lacking.

Bad sound or none at all on skills makes them feel weightless and without impact, i never been more immersed on a Videogame since the first time i tried Diablo 2 Barbarian, and was mostly because of the sounds effect they managed to sinc with him, these are some examples of top quality sound effects:

WarCries and leap slam there are the best rewarding sounds i have heard on a ARPG, i wish PoE would invest a bit more on sound effects.

When You die on Softcore, you lose experience.
When you die on Hardcore, you gain experience.
Last edited by JohnOldman on Jan 30, 2017, 3:24:07 PM
Last bumped on Apr 13, 2017, 10:08:23 PM
Yep a cry sound for each class would be VERY NICE!

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