perma ic tank - hc uber lab potential

Hello guys i want to show u my build idea for uber lab and another hard bosses build.
Soo how thys is work....
We need 4 link for start, we connect incinerate + firestorm + cast when channeling and immortal call, then aur incinerate and firestorm generate power charge's ( becose of romira's banquet )and then becose of ascendancy passive (conviction of power) we generate tons of endurance charge's and then consume them all for auto immortalcall cast
we do that fast enaugh to have ic all the time if we grab incr duration tree and we have more than 5 ec when cast

required items:

helpfull items:
becose of aur perma ic we need more max resistance's soo that why saffels frame is great for us

also izaro cryts are realy painfull soo be imune for his extra cryt damage is realy helpfull thats why i use

incinerate + firestorm + cast when channeling + immortal call + iron will + life leech/fire pen for 6 link
Orb of storm + curse on hit + enfeble + incr duration ( inc is not neccesary )
Cwtd + vortex
another gems take depends on ur playstyle

passive tree:
for lvl 84

for lvl 96

video from my first attempt against elemental izaro ( died against 3 golems at the end )

i dont want spend time for upload my runs with full Physical izaro becose thys is cost me to much time with my bad conection ( i made full Physical izaro at lvl 69 after merc with no problem )

bigest problem in that run was fact i had 71 lvl and realy small life pool and weak damage becose of 16 lvl firestorm and inc and also i had only 5 link - my advice is buy even tabula or any 6l item and put leach gem for surive izaro ele damage, with lvl 85+ and brass doom 6l with leech i think u should make that easly ( u can swap ur iron will too but then ur damage will be realy weak)

i hope u take some idea's from here and forgive me my bad English

my builds:
Last edited by Varilecki on Jan 24, 2017, 12:36:55 PM
Last bumped on Jan 24, 2017, 12:29:19 PM

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