The Bringer of Pain - Avatar Warchief Heirophant

A silly build based around the idea of getting the maximum number of pseudo-slots on a skill using the Bringer of Rain and the Heirophant's Illuminated Devotion passive. Heirophant also has totem passives, so Ancestral Warchief is the obvious skill choice. We go Avatar of Fire and use Ngahamu's Flame to make the most of the Heirophant passive.

Surprisingly, this build is extremely beginner-friendly and will be super budget once the Mathil effect wears off on Ngahamu's Flame. If you have questions, please ask.

You can make this build more realistic by not going Avatar of Fire and using Atziri's Disfavour with added fire on your totems, but where's the fun in real builds? If you want a serious Warchief dominator, play Marauder, you milquetoast buffoon.

Gearing/Required Items
Bringer of Rain is the core of the build. Ngahamu's Flame converts the rest of your phys to fire, so take it (don't miss out on 50% of your damage).

Leveling Tree
Standard Warchief stuff, plus Avatar of Fire (grab avatar only once you've got Illuminated Devotion).

Full Tree
Again, looks like a standard Chief but Avatar and some more Fire nodes here and there.

Gem Links
In Bringer of Rain-
Ancestral Warchief
Weapon Elemental Damage (could be Added Fire for leveling)
Melee Damage on Full Life
Concentrated Effect Support

In Ngahamu's Flame
Leap Slam
Faster Attacks
Blood Magic
Culling Strike (the orbs will cull even if you do no damage)

CWDT - Immortal Call - Flame Golem

Auras- Hatred, Herald of Ash. Likely go Blasphemy - Flammability instead of Hatred, I'm too lazy to do the calculations.

"Semi-real builds"
Crit Inquisitor
A more powerful version (probably) focused around crits. Use Brain Rattler with Phys to Lightning on your Warchief.

Infernal Blow Variant
Alright, so you don't like Ngahamu's Flame. I get it. You want big staff and a non-totem playstyle. I feel you. It's a very different build at this point, but simply switch Warchief for Infernal Blow, slot in Melee Splash, Multistrike, and Weapon Elemental Damage, drop the totem nodes, and pick up more axe damage and stuff. Heirophant is obviously a bad choice for this now but this WAS about making the maximum number of slots possible... that said, go Inquisitor, go crit, go staves, go Hegemony's Era. Keep a 4l Warchief around for bosses, AW - Melee Phys - Conc Effect - Faster Attacks. Self-cast Elemental Weakness to proc Instruments of Virtue. Example tree I made in 3 minutes might look like this.

Alternatively, if Ngahamu's orbs do indeed proc Instruments of Virtue, you could stay axes and go that route with additional modification (no need for 150% damage conversion, so choose a different melee skill).

Traditional Q&A done with myself
Isn't a 6l better than Bringer of Rain at some point?
Yes, but you're missing the point.

Is this (Uber Atziri, Core Malachi, Shaper) viable?
Almost certainly not. The Inquisitor version, maybe, though single target there is somewhat lacking too.

How do you deal with elemental reflect on the Infernal Blower? What do we do?

Last edited by theSultanOfSexy on Jan 5, 2017, 12:31:56 AM
Last bumped on Jan 4, 2017, 9:34:22 PM
I like the idea of the build.
- Wouldnt it be more effective to switch Melee Damage on Full Life with Weapon Elemental Damage?
- Is it really not Atziri viable?
theSultanOfSexy, i use similar setup (Ngamahu Warchief) and can tell you that better to replace add fire for weap ele dmg. Also hartred just give to as 18% add fire dmg in the end with 50% mana reservation, i think it's a waste of mana. - переход на офф клиент.

Kloppstock wrote:
I like the idea of the build.
- Wouldnt it be more effective to switch Melee Damage on Full Life with Weapon Elemental Damage?
- Is it really not Atziri viable?

Thanks much! I'll have to play around with Melee Damage on Full Life, you're undoubtedly right. It's probably Atziri viable, just unlikely Uber Atziri unless you have some rockin' jewellery.
Wasfill wrote:
theSultanOfSexy, i use similar setup (Ngamahu Warchief) and can tell you that better to replace add fire for weap ele dmg. Also hartred just give to as 18% add fire dmg in the end with 50% mana reservation, i think it's a waste of mana.

Righto! Updated the OP, thanks for the feedback. And yeah, flammability - blasphemy is probably choice.
Last edited by theSultanOfSexy on Jan 5, 2017, 7:15:18 PM
I think you'll find that Resolute Technique with Ancestral Warchief isn't necessary. I have a similar build, and took off Resolute Technique and noticed I still hit every time. Those totems AE attack, and from what I can tell it's not using any sort of "hit" mechanism.

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