Theorycraft - Templar MoM Hierophant Incinerate -> CastWhileChanneling

Hi, this will be my first build attempt with a unique approach (I'm not sure if anyone attempted this before).

Anyway, I'll start with defenses:
-Mostly based on HP but with some ES as well, since we get 25% of maximum mana as ES! :D
-30% from MoM + 10% from Hierophant damage taken from mana before life + The Aylardex(lets say 6 charges) 6% ~ at least 45% more effective life
-Since we will be generating lots of power charges on hit we will also have endurance charges up all the time (depends on the skill tree on how many we get) from Hierophant ascendancy skill
- Not sure yet if we'll be using life leech or life gain per hit (Not sure what would be best in this case)
- In order for the energy shield not to be useless, we push some jewels with Energy shield gained on hit
- Possibly combo of : Arctic Armour with CWDT+Lightning Warp (So we'll be standing still and avoid damage without interrupting Incinerate)

For offense, main skill link will be :
Incinerate/Scorching Ray -> Cast While Channeling -> LMP/GMP -> Spell -> Life Leech/LGoH -> Support Skill
-Romira's Banquet will be our main 'generator' of power charges
-Since Incinerate can't crit,it should be able to build full power charges stacks each time the channeled skill is cast , and this is the one that we want to crit on

This is my current ideas, I'll probably mix them up and try a build by the end of this week. Got ~2-3 Exa worth to play with for now. I just wanted to know another opinion on this, if it could work or not.


Edit 1: My main concern with this build is :
-Really hard to get both Unwavering stance & Vaal Pact... I think this would become really viable and strong with a Skin of the Lords (with either vaal pact or unwavering keystone)
Last edited by Adryanmh on Dec 20, 2016, 3:53:58 AM
Last bumped on Jan 20, 2017, 3:01:19 PM
what would your chest be?

id recomend a kingsguard. id say its more than lifeleech
Adryanmh wrote:
In order for the energy shield not to be useless, we push some jewels with Energy shield gained on hit
The only jewel that grants mana when you hit a monster is called 'of Absorption', which only works with attacks.
Adryanmh wrote:
Romira's Banquet will be our main 'generator' of power charges
This most certainly has been done many times before, but I'm glad you're thinking about a Cast while Channeling setup with it. Do remember that your other spells can crit, and those will quite efficiently remove all of your power charges. This will have two major effects to how your build was intending to operate: 1: You will have irregular MoM functionality from your MoM/Alydarex setup, where spike damage can occur. 2: Your spell damage from the Instability node next to the witch Power charge per charge will give different values. It's not the end of the world, but it will be meaningful.

Adryanmh wrote:
we will also have endurance charges up all the time
You only have a 25% chance to produce an endurance charge when you produce a power charge. Your immortal call will consume them. You can have power charges 'fill' and not have any endurance charges, and unless you get a lucky crit with your CwC, not produce new power charges; thus not have an opportunity to generate more endurance charges. It fluctuates the actual uptime of charges. Again, you may not be content with the results of this.

Adryanmh wrote:
Incinerate/Scorching Ray -> Cast While Channeling...
Romira's Banquest reads: Gain a Power Charge on non-Critical Strike. Scorching Ray does not 'hit', and thus is not capable of having a non-Critical Strike. So stick with Incinerate.

Adryanmh wrote:
CWDT+Lightning Warp
I highly doubt this will be enjoyable / desirable. Good luck with that.

Adryanmh wrote:
-Really hard to get both Unwavering stance & Vaal Pact
Don't make your life hard by not having a reasonable anti-stun setup. High HP is a strong stun deterrent, as you claimed you wanted to go HP. And if you go VP, you open other issues with how you will sustain. Best bet is to go pure ES with a Shav's Wrappings, as they are down to 170c on BSC. Then eye of chayula isn't terrible for you, you actually make good use of the Heirophant passive, and save many points in travel time. Consider your options and weigh them against each other.

Hope any of this was useful to you, good luck on your evolution of the build.

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