The Tempest Raider Elemental Bow build.

Hi. This a bow build using The Tempest unique.

It is the fated version of the Storm Cloud. This item can only be obtained by completing the Servant's Heart prophecy. Or by buying one.

This bow is perfect for our lightning focused build. I mean it increases our elemental damage by a huge 100%. It's an amazingly fast weapon. We can't get anything better.

While most elemental bow builds scale damage via physical damage this build has no physical to scale, we need to scale with flat elemental damage. The main source of this damage is with a Wrath Aura. To get the best out of our aura we need either a Essence Worm Ring or Alpha's Howl.

Other sources of damage scaling can come from flat elemental damage from an Anger Aura, gear, jewels (In particular the unique Static Electricity) or Heralds, either Thunder or Ice. As well as support gems. Talking of which this is the five link AoE skill set up I'll use.

For a sixth gem I would use Lightning Penetration. It will boost your DPS even if not on the tooltip. We use Lightning Arrow but any other bow skill works just as well. Tornado Shot is probably better as it's versatile, providing good AoE and single target damage. Another top bow skill is Barrage (it's excellent as our single target skill with Lightning Arrow) but needs at least one Volley Fire jewel.

Using an Essence Worm without any mana reservation from the tree you can run Wraith, Herald of Thunder and Purity of Lightning (this will help greatly with elemental reflect). With a Alpha's Howl you can run the same auras and herald or Wraith with Anger. (with two Essence Worms you could run both auras but give up two ring slots. Which would be crazy but if you wanted to...). At the end of the day you need Wraith whatever you else you run.

For defences we rely on Evasion, Acrobatics, simply moving out of the way of danger and Endurance Charges. The latter achieved through cursing with Warlords Mark or taunting with Enduring Cry. If you use Herald of Thunder I would recommend linking Curse on Hit, Warlords Mark and Blind.

We choose the Raider Ascendancy for the easy Frenzy Charge generation. Avatar of the Veil has a nice 40% increased elemental damage and provides more defenses through phasing. You could try either Deadeye or Pathfinder but to be honest they don't offer anything for this build.

This is the tree (up to level 80) if using Alpha's Howl.

I'm currently experimenting with a Crit version of this build using the Breach league unique amulet

This in conjunction with Purity of Lightning

and Increased Critical Strike Chance

Allows us to crit with The Tempest. (although it's nowhere near a good crit bow).

Alternative crit version tree

Last edited by Chalk_Circles on Dec 14, 2016, 6:02:06 PM
Last bumped on Dec 14, 2016, 6:07:38 AM
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