Quitting PvP HideYourCurrency

I've come to this section of the forum over an advice of a friend telling me im being mentioned

oh boy was he right,i see a lot of threads are turning in to "things i dont like about hide" pretty quickly even if the post is irrelevant o.O wtf? would like to explain you guys why its important to have a back bone

well, the hate is beyond explanation but i got to admit that it was expected to some limit
some guy wans to be good at pvp and he buys a 500ex axe he fails vs everyone with his leg kaom then some new player comes (which is me) and wanks in to his eyeball with 1 shotting he barely leaves the arena, so yeah ofc you will get butthurt but producing mindless dogs who dont even know me and making them whisper me " ... said that you have stolen rupenus's build " what the hell man lol. i dont even ask who they are anymore because im 100% sure where they are coming from. you know who he is he instalogs when i enter arena

another guy with ice shot one of the most toxic personalities ive ever seen.mesures people only by their MTX amount and who is also a pretty solid example of RMT calls me RMT without any clue or proof its like getting judged by a whore about my morals when im a virgin.i sent a support ticked and asked GGG to scan my account if there is any RMT action involved and publish it if possible they said its not possible unless there is a logical doubt so it didnt happen, lucky you! this one also instalogs when he see me enter the arena

another guy obsessed with skills,creativity tells the same story all over again everywhere i was new to the game and i wanted to be able to kill uber atziri so copy pasted a mjölner build whats the big deal and yes i offered him 200ex to see his build but cmon are you that retarded to belive that i was gonna actually give him that amount,i was new and his build was cool thats all.this "creative" little boy never faced me in arena after i killed him with my pvp build.btw he never picks his other builds that are used for smashing noobs who want to make leo misson and my former pve build ofc.but now he never comes to the arena allthough he is 100% active in forum.you know why? he cant handle being defeated.now with LA build same as before based on running away but still gets 2 shotted with my RT LA when he bear traps me,this guy tried to counter my build with bear trap LA combination and he claims himself to be a creative guy...i need to invent a skill from my ass if i want to be not a "build stealer".this one also avoids me in arena and if he gets a lucky kill he stands on my corpse and dances typing "lol". yeah i get suprised aswell me getting killed by you

some srs guy complains and constantly cries in a level so high that he insults me for 40 minutes everyday via whispers he continues to type in arena for other players when i put him on ignore.making forum posts asking CI to get nerfed,ci is not even the issue man

another guy who had pvp coc discharge build who also made a bear trapper same as above 100% active in forum but never steps foot in to arena after i killed his guys.called me "weak shit" when i couldnt stand a chance vs him as a pve build now that i have a pvp build he just disappears for some reason

if i attempt to write every interaction ive had with you guys here it will be boring for all of us,you get the point tho

let me tell you one thing non of you have the balls to swallow a defeat admit it and move on.PvP wont be improved no matter how hard you beg you are like dogs barking behind a car and you know the car will never stop. best you can get is another overdo such as inevitable judgement. with this much of a thin skin ,consider yourself lucky this is a game because in real life when you cry this frequently you wont find a shoulder to lean on.and its the hard way of learning that its time to grow a thick skin

i know why you think im RMT some guy buys all signal fire from 3 ex each right after GGG anounces that the league will be added to the core game. well thats a stupid investment my friend.another one buys 4 leg vinktar when they are on the peak price "bro even if they nerf BV vinktars will remain the same price" sorry but if you are a dumb flipper wannabe you will remain poor and find "calling rmt" to someone the best solution on things you cant explain

ive been around pvp scene enough to observe the majority,its an illusion contest where how far you can piss is measured.everyone i speak to, talks shit about one another at least i was honest to the fullest and i talked shit to your face.and im proud of myself i menaged to outbullshit your toxic behaviours with my honest insults

what ive talked about above is not the reason i quit,the reason is im bored of the build dont want to do EA or bear trap for my next build.neither do i want to deal with "i killed you ,haha" in the procces of experimenting of my next build. got nothing more to do in pvp

long story short go ahead and play your pvp in arena without any danger of me being around dear alt f4 buddies have fun i wont be there to hurt your feelings anymore.and one more thing.. stop fucking crying,

took me 8 days to sell every single piece of my gear on the toon
wont be coming back, grab a beer and celebrate you have earned it!

do not spread false information behind my back type what you got here so we can keep the new guys properly informed if they are interested in some pissing contest
● HideYourCurrency
Last edited by Brian_GGG#0000 on Oct 21, 2016, 2:46:13 PM
Last bumped on Oct 21, 2016, 2:47:09 PM
Don't be surprised, you are the most annoying, toxic person I met in this game, who only cared to grief other players.

Wish you all bad luck, no one will miss you.
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Hmm, I've never met or heard of you before but reading this text I can't help but think that the fact that you're quitting isn't the worst thing that could've happened today :D
Those delusions are hilarious.
Great introduction to PvP. Extremely motivating!
Former FireSkull

Also I was a closed beta bronze supporter and normal supporter! I deleted that account tho.
I don't recall HideYourCurrency ever being toxic toward me so that's a +

But he does (or did, at least a few times) chase after people trying to do dailies and some people do get upset from that. It is, however, somewhat logical for another player to be upset when you repeatedly ruin their daily attempts even after they beg you not to, so with some empathy/ social intelligence being sworn at by players you upset by ruining their daily or interfering with something they might be trying to test, etc, shouldn't bother you (and you should probably feel bad for doing it).

That being said, some people are exceptionally poor losers and become really toxic in pvp when you counter their build.

I haven't had much interaction with HideYourCurrency but the personalities he describes are probably the same handful of players who take pvp very personally for whatever reason and spam you with insults, threats, slurs, etc. when you kill them in normal mutually engaged pvp, especially if you're in hobo gear with no mtx. Typically high wealth players with fragile egos.

There are some nice personalities in arena. Don't let the rude ones or ego crazies get to you. Let the ego crazies kill you a few times so they think they're the best. It's the best way to not get continuously stalked/insulted by them.
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
YarrakKafasi wrote:
cant handle being defeated.
let me tell you one thing non of you have the [redacted] to swallow a defeat admit it and move on.
PvP wont be improved no matter how hard you beg(.)

neither do i want to deal with "i killed you ,haha" in the procces of experimenting of my next build.

It does appear that accepting defeat is hard for a lot of players, you mention yourself that you do not want to have to deal with anyone commenting about you losing (although I am pretty sure you comment about other players losing all the time in the Arena).

I fully stand behind you griefing other players though, especially for the Leo Daily.

I see that as the entire point of the daily, and it opens up fun side missions of trying to help the lowbies finish by distracting / killing the griefer.

Personally, what I enjoy most about griefing, is when other players do take it personally and harass me to no end; in Diablo II someone made a character IhateAodui just to follow me around and hate. If you are not into that, try not griefing.

PvP does improve, our feedback slowly gets changes made, one of my greatest adversaries was removed not too recently, it took awhile, but frost wall is no longer a thing (although I wish limited frost wall was a thing, because jumping over walls is fun and dynamic, retargeting while chasing blink arrow less fun).

I cannot say I will miss you being in the Arena though, because fighting a character using a free-kill enchant and a passive auto-target main damage skill is not really a fun fight, compared to say chasing a self-caster, trapper, or other ranged user (more fun than beating on an aegis troll build though).

All I'm seeing here is someone just as egotistical as the people you described.

The difference is that you were basically told how to make your one and only PvP build using a broken mechanic, you rode that train, stroke your own ego, talked shit to people and got obnoxiously cocky over something one could barely say you actually achieved yourself.

Now you give us a wall of text complaining about the couple high wealth/easily irritated players we all know and making sure to showcase your awful attitude in the process.

It's been stated already, but you sure won't be missed.
Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847

Although you were difficult to fight, I didn't mind playing against you. You seemed like a generally nice guy playing a build with "broken mechanics" which you had every right to.

Sarn arena just lacked your main counter (trappers) most of the time. I wouldn't let others get to you too much. Unfortunately pvp tends to attract egos, which causes people to butt heads from time to time.

Good luck
IGN: _Firebitch
Nice PvP Feedback. Productive!

Although I would just relocate the thread to it's appropriate area about egotistical maniacs on tired-ass diatribes:


Pages of comments from us is what he wants, don't feed the troll. Really, should just delete this garbage thread entirely as it contributes nothing but negatives.
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