Siege balista crit phys 5 totems
I like totem builds. I like bow builds. I do not like spell builds. What i do not like of the bow builds is the time i have to stay still and spam some attack. What i do not like of the totem builds - low range and they are mostly viable with spells. With the adding of Siege Ballista totem and the Iron Commander Bow to the game i decided that combo deserves more in depth look. I came up with a build able to fast clear maps and kill bosses from a safe distance without forcing me to stay still to do damage. The build also do not require some uber expensive gear to make it work. To be perfect some expensive things are needed, but i myself am not anywhere close to there and i am already happy about my performance. I will post my build here with some reasoning about some of the things in it, but it is a "build" not a "guide", so please use your own judgement when doing it. If you have any questions feel free to post here and i will do my best to answer them, however do not expect immediate answer. Passive points:
Wherever possible take projectile damage over bow physical damage. Deadly Draw below acrobatics is just too good to pass by Gear and links
Unique items required: Unique items too good to pass without: The gloves and the chest are equal to a free poison support gem - pick the chest if you can afford, the quiver is 100% increase to the totem damage as the totem always pierces, the amulet is the cheapest and easiest way to get 100 dexterity and also solves the issues with the other stats. Some rare might be better, but those are not so easy to find.
Example and a way to craft it; the added chaos is pricy to craft but on a good jewelry its worth The Spire of Stone jewel might seem useless but in high level maps whenever the totems are attacked they are also stunned and so they stop shooting. The other jewels are just for the sake of reaching 800 dexterity.
can be placed in the jewel socket right below the scion next to the 3 resistance nodes above Sentinel. If you go for Path of the Warrior it becomes 60-ish dexterity jewel at the cost of 3 points. Assuming your gear is low its 2 resist nodes so its not entirely useless points!
My current gear:
Gem links:
Why exactly this gems?:
The bow damage with 800 dexterity (why 800? 600 is easily doable with passive tree and some gear, 800 is my end goal and i reached it with some effort; going for 1000 would mean spending too much points on dexterity rather than taking some points in damage on the tree) So; my bow with 800 dexterity will be doing 68-196 damage. Seems kinda low and the Added chaos gem on level 20 is more than that, also it scales with the poison. Slower projectiles and pierce are there for the MORE projectile damage. It also scales with the poison. Void manipulation is better with high level Added Chaos gem, it also scales with the poison. If low level added chaos PPAD would be better (it does not scale with the poison) Increased Critical Strikes - for me it is a filler for the 6th link. Crit multiplier or PPAD might be better, but i like how i knockback bosses when i have near 100% critchance. I think everything here is obvious. Projectile weakness curse works with the chaos damage from added chaos gem, also scales with the poison. Without charges my totem dps is 12k, with 6 frenzy and 3 power charges it is 25k. GMP for curse spread. With +1 curse chest/jewelry 6link would require 6link. Kiting and movement tools. Awesome help on Uber Izaro. Replaces the increased critical strikes gem in the totem links when needed. Arctic armor and Enfeeble could be used on Uber Izaro and other hard bosses. I killed Izaro by not leting him hit me. Whenever he touched me with anything i went dead from full HP. This could have helped. A question i keep getting asked is why am i putting so much emphasis on the poison. Some math here:
Increases affecting the poison on the tree and gear - that means all projectile, chaos, damage over time and totem increases: in total 303% MOREs affecting the poison: Slower projectile gem, Pierce gem, void manipulation gem, 6 frenzy charges, Projectile Weakness curse, Far Shot (lets say 15% just for the example) from the ascendancy 1.28 * 1.29 * 1.38 * 1.24 * 1.43 * 1.15 = 4.65 = 365% MORE damage in total By default the poison deals 10% of the initial (physical + chaos) damage of the hit every second for 2 seconds. Multiplying this with the increases and MOREs: 10 * (1 + 303%) * 365% = 147 That means with my setup if i have charges and curse the poison deals 147% of the initial hit's (physical + chaos) damage every second for 2 seconds, so it triples the damage on long fights. A bit unbelievable until i tried it.
------ Originally i posted my build here for my friends and peoples that kept asking me how i build around Siege Ballista after seeing it in action; today i decided to put some effort in it and edited the whole post. I hope others find this build as enjoyable as i do. Last edited by BGkamaz#1203 on Jun 26, 2016, 4:45:33 AM Last bumped on Apr 8, 2023, 3:03:59 AM
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+1 to BGkamaz,nice build
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Would wearing the new fated Blackheart ring give my siege ballista totems the ability to poison (without gem) and bleed? Or does it not count totems?
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The totem is ranger attack not melee so that ring will not work on it.
Editing the original post with some ideas i came up today. For aWesOmen00b:
the poison gets MORE damage from: frenzy charges: 24% MORE Slower projectiles: 29% MORE Pierce: 29% MORE the curse projectile weakness: 40% MORE that "up to 30% MORE" ascendancy on the deadeye, but lets just say its 10% for this calculation: 10% MORE 1.24*1.29*1.29*1.4*1.1*1 = 3.18 - in total that means the poison damage is doing 318% damage so instead 10% of the (phys + chaos) damage of the attack it will do 31.8%. now to add the "increased" damage: increased projectile damage on tree: 71% increased projectile damage on ascendancy: 60% (if i go Fast and Deadly) increased attack damage on tree (unspecified): 12% increased chaos damage on tree: 20% increased projectile damage on quiver: 100% 71+60+12+20+100=263% increased damage affecting the poison 31.8*3.63=115.4 - the poison will deal damage equal to 115% of the combined physical and chaos damage of the attack that poisoned the target every second for 2 seconds (or whatever duration after modifiers). The calculation is very rude and i am not considering the changes i plan to do this league. Was this clear enough for you? :) Last edited by BGkamaz#1203 on Jun 10, 2016, 5:32:56 PM
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Thanks for the short guide, wanted to start a Iron commander so this works well for me.
I take it projection weakness curse is a must for the extra piercing ? |
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Sorry for the slow reply;
Ballista Totem always pierce. Projectile weakness got extra knockback and makes the Frenzy link to have 50% additional pierce besides the one it gets from the mastery. Unless you go the elemental way you could go vulnerability; its nice as it is blue color so you can swap with enfeeble on some bosses Edit: Also projectile weakness works with the chaos damage on the added chaos gem so its kinda recommended. Last edited by BGkamaz#1203 on Jun 21, 2016, 2:04:39 AM
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Since my old build got shot to crap in 3.0, I decided to give this one a try since I already had a few of the gear pieces for it. However I'm curious, if you're still around, what changes would you/did you make to this build in 3.0? Different gems, skills, jewels? And which Bandit choice? I'm assuming Oak but this build doesn't really deal all that much with phys damage...
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