PvP Tooltip DPS Calulator - backed up by answers from GGG

PvP has a formula that reduces your damage, and it is tedius to calculate it all the time, so I made a calculator to make that easier which can help you work out an optimal setup, similarly to Path of Building:


You just have to enter your damage values you have ingame, at least one damage component and use time, and you can see the calculation results at the bottom.

You can view the source code by pressing Ctrl + U (on most browser on windows), the code is hopefully readable.

Please remember this is just a tooltip, it is always accurate for simple single hitting skills like Heavy Strike, Split Arrow, Ice nova etc. For skills that deal multiple hits per one attack/cast like Blast Rain, Firestorm, Volatile dead you have to use your brain, figure out how many times it hits per cast/attack. Some factors are not accounted, like block, dodge, not getting hit at all, status ailments, skill secondary effects, unique behaviours and such.

Looking for some feedback, bug reports, and feature requests!

Questions to and Replies from GGG

2016 03 31 update: I asked GGG about unclear things and I got replies:

If a hit has multiple components of damage (fire, cold, lightning, physical, chaos), does the game calculate the damage reduction by the formula separately for each component, or does it add them up and calculate them together?

With an example:
First case, assume D = 1000 lightning damage, and an attack time of T = 1 second. The given formula would reduce the hits to 594.
Second case, I convert half of my damage to cold, so my hits have 500 lightning damage and 500 cold damage. If I add them up before the calculation I get the same, 594. If I calculate for each separately I get 398 for each, so 796 total damage.
What damage is applied in this example, 796 or 594?
The latter calculation seems weird for me, because it would give significantly more damage, by just converting the damage. If the first one is used, then adding up all of the components would cause a problem too, because the formula for physical/chaos is different.

"For the elemental damage, you use your total average elemental damage in the calculation. So if you had 500 lightning damage and 500 cold damage, you would use 1000 elemental damage in the equation to get the value of 594. If you land a hit that has elemental damage and chaos/phys damage, you use both calculations separately, and then use the average of both values. So if you have a final elemental damage of 594 and a final phys/chaos damage of 300, you would have a final total damage of (594+300)/2 = 447"

As the formula is not linear, It yields different results if I apply certain modifiers before or after running the numbers through the formula.

My main question is: should I modify the damage values by the following multipliers / modifiers before or after applying the pvp formula on it: resistances, critical strike multiplier, armour, more / less damage taken (for ex. opponent using Arctic Armour or Abyssus helmet), more / less multipliers on the attacker that are not displayed on tooltip (for ex. Flameblast at 10 stack having 1100% more damage, pvp penalty mentioned separately such as Freezing Pulse: 25% less damage in PvP)? If all of these I mentioned are in the same case, is there any exception?

Currently I take the initial damage values, if there is physical damage reduce it by the Armour formula, then run them through the PvP reduction formulas separately, then I apply resistances and other multiplicative modifiers if the user entered any in the appropriate fields. Then I add all 5 components, divide them by skill use time, then I calculate modifiers with accuracy, crit chance and crit multi, and that is the final pvp dps I display. The source code is in Javascript right in the source of the html document, so you can easily view it if you want.

Excuse me, but I find the last calculation example you wrote very weird, where both elemental and phys/chaos damage are present, why do I have to take the average of the elemental and the chaos+phys values? With the previous example, If in the first case I have 1000 initial average elemental damage that becomes 594 final elemental damage after pvp reduction. In the second case if I add a very small amount of chaos damage (which should barely affect the damage) for example an amount that yields final 2 chaos damage, that would mean (594 + 2) / 2 = 298 final total damage, so almost halved the damage, but all I did was adding a very small amount of chaos damage.

"The PvP scaling occurs after all other modifers, except for modifiers which directly affect PvP damage of specific skills. So you have resistances/crit/armour/more/less/increased/reduced/etc -> PvP scaling -> PvP damage scaling of skill (25% less freezing pulse damage as an example). So you basically want to calculate the total damage you would be dealing as if you are attacking a monster, and then after you have the final value you run that value through the PvP formula.

For the damage dealt by phys/chaos + elemental damage, the method I was using was based on some out of date info. The correct way to do it with both sources uses the total damage you are dealing (phys/chaos+ele) and then uses a ratio based on how much phys/chaos and elemental damage is dealt to get the final values, which are then added together. As an example;

You have an attack that deals 100 lightning damage and 10 chaos damage for a total of 110 damage, with an attack time of 0.53s
Putting those values into the PvP formulas gives these results:
Physical/Chaos formula: (((110/0.53)/125)^0.61)*125*0.53 = 90.26347147
Elemental formula: (((110/0.53)/290)^0.58)*290*0.53 = 126.5933177

You then need to find the ratio of chaos/phys to ele damage you are dealing, which is;
portion of total damage dealt as chaos/phys = 10/(10+100) = 0.09090909091
portion of total damage dealt as elemental = 100/(10+100) = 0.9090909091

Then multiply the phys/chaos value with the portion of damage which is phys/chaos, and do the same with the elemental damage
90.26347147*0.09090909091 = 8.205770134 total phys/chaos damage
126.5933177*0.9090909091 = 115.0848343 total elemental damage

Then just add them together to get the final total damage
8.205770134+115.0848343 = 123.2906044 damage dealt"

Based on the above answers I changed the calculations. I had to change the order of calculations, I do all multipliers before PvP reduction formula (except PvP multipliers specific for certain skills), and if multiple damage hits are present in one hit then I don't do them separately.

This means that ALL modifiers, including Resistances, Critmulti, and Less damage taken on the opponent (such as Arctic Armour) has different magnitudes in PvP, in most cases they are LESS effective as in PvE.

Overall the PvP damage displayed in the calculator got lower in most cases.

Change log

2016 03 20:
You can save your input and load it from the side
Armour now mitigates physical damage before pvp reduction and not after (this is only based on my experience, so I would need some feedback on this)
Separate min and max damage calculated for pvp
Corrected average damage
Drawing graph of the results
2016 03 31:
Changed calculation order, modifiers are now calculated before PvP reduction
Drawing graph of crits and non-crits

2018 05 19:
Fixed some bugs
Added more explanations
Added an input for "Hits per use" for multi-hitting skills

2018 08 29:
Added new damage formula, you can switch between old and new formula modes to compare results

Enjoy your tooltips warriors!
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Last edited by Márkusz#4682 on Oct 29, 2024, 9:06:22 AM
Last bumped on Aug 30, 2018, 3:37:22 AM
Nice job
IGN: MullaXul
Well done, respect.
for example, this tooltip

is 25k estimated pvp dps for shadow-assassin, but around 125k for templar-inquisitor.
main difference is crit rate, but imo its not that important for 'oneshot' fight.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9#4860 on Mar 12, 2016, 9:44:19 PM
I've tested it with the numbers of my 2.1 witch and it seems to work nicely, nice work.

If possible I'd like to see the following information:
Lowest pvp damage per non crit hit.
Average or median pvp damage per non crit hit (this is already in the list)
Highest pvp damage per non crit hit.
Lowest pvp damage per crit hit.
Average or median pvp damage per crit hit
Highest pvp damage per crit hit.

With arc and low crit chance, the damage has a huge spread and getting some more info on that would be nice.

About that mjolner discharge tooltip: the 5x more damage (125k / 25k) for inquisitor should be 4x. If you put penetration at 100% and leave resistances at 75%, it calculates -25% final resistance, giving the 5x more dps as result. With inquisitor however you have to put all penetration values and all resistance values at 0, then it will give the correct 4x more dps.
You're right. Anyway inquisitors problem is pvp damage per 1 discharge - it deal more than 90% ppl can handle.

(and its coc tooltip, not mjolner :P)
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Great effort put in here Markusz!
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^ QR Seems Pretty accurate.

Libriiiii is terrible at maths tho.

Approx 954.09 damage per arrow *7 =
6678.63 Damage Per Volley.

Big Thanks, I've been trying to hunt for this for a looooooong~~~ Time.


^+3 bow
1230.90 Per arrow *6 =
7385.4 Damage Per Volley

Edit 2

The QR Calculations are close, but when tested in game pvp, it hits for aprox 6-8k, however +3
definitely doesn't hit for 12k +. Math is hard. / Brain hurts.
< Problem Solved, Numbers were wrong.

This is very close to accurate. However in actual game, its approximately 10-20% More.

Edit 3

Theatrically a +3 bow with Renegade +10% fire pen, vaaled to +1 arrow can hit up to 9829.89 Per Volley. & (10-20% more in actual game)
^Nice to know.
[Gear & Club] ¯\(°_°)/¯ #1 Professional Afk Club /2133058
[Hideout] New Oriath /2505008
[Pvp Trophy] PVP #1 EU & US EA /1591888 | | BM EA /1431163
[Dead] PSC La /1682118, Build BM PA /1296491, BM IG LL ST /1121092, Shop /874905
"God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world!" IGN: Libritannia
Last edited by 1Tokimeki2003#6663 on Mar 13, 2016, 10:40:51 AM
Runaway, Ill see what I can do, If I have any troubles, Ill let you know.

Libri, most empty fields are treated as having 0 values, so no need to enter those, just fill the values you use and you will get the result. Beware that the values entered at the line "Other MORE / LESS multipliers*:" directly multiply your damage, that's why you got 0 at the "Total combined PvP DPS" too, so remove those to get your dps numbers. If you want to see your shotgun damage with 7 projectiles, just enter a 7 in one of those fields.
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Márkusz wrote:
Runaway, Ill see what I can do, If I have any troubles, Ill let you know.

Libri, most empty fields are treated as having 0 values, so no need to enter those, just fill the values you use and you will get the result. Beware that the values entered at the line "Other MORE / LESS multipliers*:" directly multiply your damage, that's why you got 0 at the "Total combined PvP DPS" too, so remove those to get your dps numbers. If you want to see your shotgun damage with 7 projectiles, just enter a 7 in one of those fields.

The 0's Apply to my build's limitations, this data has saved me aprox 100000+ex and atleast 7-9 hours of actual testing.

tyvm, for the tool.
[Gear & Club] ¯\(°_°)/¯ #1 Professional Afk Club /2133058
[Hideout] New Oriath /2505008
[Pvp Trophy] PVP #1 EU & US EA /1591888 | | BM EA /1431163
[Dead] PSC La /1682118, Build BM PA /1296491, BM IG LL ST /1121092, Shop /874905
"God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world!" IGN: Libritannia
Last edited by 1Tokimeki2003#6663 on Mar 13, 2016, 10:41:06 AM

Raw original dps:

(4000 monster evasion is assumed if you entered accuracy value)

Total combined PvP DPS:

Total combined PvP Damage per hit:
(crits and accuracy not included, but resistances are included)

seems accurate for me.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."

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