Merveil Race RNG -- Vendor sold ONE Sapphire Ring (with explicit) for 1 Alt (which I didn't have)

- I got to Cavern WP in Merveil Kill Race.
- Went back to town to buy 2x Sapphire rings from vendor.
- Vendor only sells ONE fucking Sapphire Ring with a +9% cold resist explicit for 1 damn Alteration Orb (which I didn't have at the time). WTF? I was fully expecting to buy 2x plain Sapphires for 3x Wisdom scrolls each (like always).

So I had to go back to some shit area, kill monsters until I leveled up again (to reset vendors). Wasted an entire 2 extra minutes because bad vendor RNG RNG RNG.

Suggestion: Please let vendors sell plain Sapphire rings, guaranteed. If vendors want to randomly offer more "expensive" versions (with explicit mods), please don't let those replace the plain rings. Bad vendor RNG is absolutely stupid when we already have to deal with monster RNG.
Last edited by Shibenaut#1060 on Feb 13, 2016, 2:34:46 AM
Last bumped on Apr 5, 2016, 10:52:14 PM
In this specific case I'd advise you to learn the fight with 0% cold resistance.

But in general, I agree that wares from vendors is generated too randomly and as a result it can hinder your effort to get amulet with stat you need or crafting ingrediences.
ProjectPT was right.
Shibenaut wrote:
- I got to Cavern WP in Merveil Kill Race.
- Went back to town to buy 2x Sapphire rings from vendor.
- Vendor only sells ONE fucking Sapphire Ring with a +9% cold resist explicit for 1 damn Alteration Orb (which I didn't have at the time). WTF? I was fully expecting to buy 2x plain Sapphires for 3x Wisdom scrolls each (like always).

So I had to go back to some shit area, kill monsters until I leveled up again (to reset vendors). Wasted an entire 2 extra minutes because bad vendor RNG RNG RNG.

Suggestion: Please let vendors sell plain Sapphire rings, guaranteed. If vendors want to randomly offer more "expensive" versions (with explicit mods), please don't let those replace the plain rings. Bad vendor RNG is absolutely stupid when we already have to deal with monster RNG.

Last edited by janimauk#6808 on Feb 13, 2016, 8:43:38 PM
Wow it sure looks like you got fucked by RNG!

seriously though maybe you should just try not getting hit.
100 #1 - PA Rank 1 Flashback | 100 #2 - Cyclone Standard | 100 #3 - Support top 50 Talisman | 100 #4 - Support Rank 5 PHC | 100 #5 - Earthquake Rank 51 PHC | 100 #6 - Vaal Spark Rank 5 PHFB2W
Krame_ wrote:
Wow it sure looks like you got fucked by RNG!

seriously though maybe you should just try not getting hit.

It's the piety kill world record holder holy moly ravioly!
Can someone explain that strange new Kappa to me

How is that silly hat supposed to denote wealth i dont get it

TO THE OP: Krame already gave you the correct advice, but if you are really determined to wear a sapphire ring you can also try the iron ring + blue gem recipe (hopefully your class has a blue gem it can buy from nessa for 1 wisdom)
Last edited by Fightgarr#3134 on Feb 13, 2016, 9:51:26 PM
Last edited by EchoesinEternity#7724 on Aug 23, 2024, 12:09:29 AM
I've never bought Sapphire rings for merv, not having coral rings when you need em sucks though.
there are vendor recipes for a reason, learn to use them. look for sapphires BEFORE you get to merveil not after.
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