Winterheart (Season 15) Breakdown

Winterheart Details

5x Act 2 Solo
5x Act 3 Solo
4x Alt Start Dominus Kill
4x Alt Start Malachai Kill
4x 1 Hour No Portals Party
3x 2 Hour No Portals Party
1x 24 Hour Arctic Boss Kill
28x Winterheart (Signature)

9x 1 Hour Headhunter Solo
3x 2 Hour Headhunter Solo *new*
3x 1 Hour Party
2x 2 Hour Party
2x 3 Hour Party
7x BLAMT Party

6x Brutus Kill
6x Merveil Kill
4x Piety Kill

8x Descent
19x Descent Champions
8x Endless Ledge

5x Eternal Torment
7x Exiles Everywhere

12x3 Solo Burst

* 24 hour Arctic event: "All areas other than towns contain drifting areas of cold damage. Each area contains 20 additional strongboxes." 100 points for killing all the bosses through Malachai.

* Descent Champions is back to 40 min.
* Descent is now 30 min. Very sad. 30 is too short, 60 is too long. Make it 45 min so there's a shot at completing it.
* Endless Ledge is back to 60 min. WTF? I mean i'm happy with this change, but it's interesting that they modified the length of all 3 of these races.

* Act 2 Start/Alt Dominus, Act 3 Start/Alt Malachai (all void): You start in town at 12 or 22 respectively, with 13 or 25 unallocated points, and "basic gear and skill gems appropriate to their level." Alt Start Boss Kill races last 4 hours.

"A3 start: you have helped Eramir when dealing with the Bandits.

You can allocate passives and swap out gear during the registration period, the only restriction is you can't move. This means you won't be able to interact with the vendors until the race starts."

Added Shrapnel Shot to the Endless Ledge Starter Chest.
Added Shrapnel Shot to Descent and Descent: Champions Starter Chests for Ranger.
Added Void Manipulation, Contagion, Essence Drain and Blade Vortex to Descent and Descent: Champions for the Shadow and Witch.


Quick thoughts:
It's nice to see 26 non-sig races in formats we haven't seen before. Though the only large innovation is (void?) races that start beyond Act 1 Normal.

Unfortunately the lackluster 1k point reward means i'm going for at most 500 points this time. I personally need a little more motivation than just pure competition to dedicate that much effort. I suppose i could do 2x500 but that's fkin meh. I'll probably just go for 100 as many times as the season keeps me interested. I'm guessing 2 or 3.

I don't usually complain about rewards, but it's kind of disappointing when not only do we get only 6 reward targets, but half of them are trash uniques.

Soulthirst (Season 14) Breakdown

Edit: schedule ical
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Last edited by unsane#5479 on Jul 11, 2016, 1:17:36 AM
If I aim to get 500 points, but don't expect to get any reward points for "first", "best time", "most experience"...

Will I have to do multiple events every day? Or, every event every day spread across 2 accounts for 2 Brotherhood rings?

I should just buy them...
Zakon3 wrote:
If I aim to get 500 points, but don't expect to get any reward points for "first", "best time", "most experience"...

Will I have to do multiple events every day? Or, every event every day spread across 2 accounts for 2 Brotherhood rings?

I should just buy them...

3 events per day will lead you to 500 points, if you are not very good racer, i guess.
Proud Crusader of Hardcore Leagues.
* 24 hour Arctic event: "All areas other than towns contain drifting areas of cold damage. Each area contains 20 additional strongboxes." 100 points for killing all the bosses through Malachai.

* Descent Champions is back to 40 min.
* Descent is now 30 min. Very sad. 30 is too short, 60 is too long. Make it 45 min so there's a shot at completing it.
* Endless Ledge is back to 60 min. WTF? I mean i'm happy with this change, but it's interesting that they modified the length of all 3 of these races.

* Act 2 Start/Alt Dominus, Act 3 Start/Alt Malachai (all void): You start in town at 12 or 22 respectively, with 13 or 25 unallocated points, and "basic gear and skill gems appropriate to their level." Alt Start Boss Kill races last 4 hours.

"A3 start: you have helped Eramir when dealing with the Bandits.

You can allocate passives and swap out gear during the registration period, the only restriction is you can't move. This means you won't be able to interact with the vendors until the race starts."
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Last edited by unsane#5479 on Jan 25, 2016, 3:51:56 AM
Added Shrapnel Shot to the Endless Ledge Starter Chest.
Added Shrapnel Shot to Descent and Descent: Champions Starter Chests for Ranger.
Added Void Manipulation, Contagion, Essence Drain and Blade Vortex to Descent and Descent: Champions for the Shadow and Witch.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)

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