How's the LLD meta?

I'm bored and haven't followed PoE for awhile, but what's going on in the LLD scene right now? I know it's dead obviously, but what's the meta like? If I had to take a guess from what I remember from 2.0 patch notes, melee is probably still tier 1 and most casters got neutered by elemental penetration increased level requirement. Anyway I'm just curious.
Well, the meta is towards physical damage indeed. Skills that dont convert physical to elemental combined with high phys weapons are the thing atm. Heavy strike, cyclone, dual strike, split arrow, rain of arrows, puncture. These are the skills that can be built around rather easily and are essentially the best builds atm.

Casters are surprisingly good but it is only because the existence of CWS corruptions on helms and gloves. Without them casters are not very good but with them they can be tier1 or close. Elemental trappers aren't tier1 anymore. Elemental equilibrium has become the core of any caster/ele build as well.

Elemental attack builds are sadly very hard to make currently. With absolute bis gear they can somehow compete with the best phys builds but I wouldnt say they can be tier1. Barrage and the it's bugged damage being probably the only reason ele bower still works to an extent. Melee ele attackers are probably the most complicated and hardest chars to make now. Also probably the worst out of all the above mentioned archetypes.

I will say though that the game play has become a lot faster and smoother (HLD-like) with the addition of faster attacks, flame dash and faster casting. Also lockstep plays a huge factor and pvp has become a lot more enjoyable after it's introduction.
Last edited by lapiz#7973 on Nov 1, 2015, 12:41:25 PM
There's a couple ppl planning to lld in darkshrine, the more the merrier ;)
lapiz wrote:
Well, the meta is towards physical damage indeed. Skills that dont convert physical to elemental combined with high phys weapons are the thing atm. Heavy strike, cyclone, dual strike, split arrow, rain of arrows, puncture. These are the skills that can be built around rather easily and are essentially the best builds atm.

Casters are surprisingly good but it is only because the existence of CWS corruptions on helms and gloves. Without them casters are not very good but with them they can be tier1 or close. Elemental trappers aren't tier1 anymore. Elemental equilibrium has become the core of any caster/ele build as well.

Elemental attack builds are sadly very hard to make currently. With absolute bis gear they can somehow compete with the best phys builds but I wouldnt say they can be tier1. Barrage and the it's bugged damage being probably the only reason ele bower still works to an extent. Melee ele attackers are probably the most complicated and hardest chars to make now. Also probably the worst out of all the above mentioned archetypes.

I will say though that the game play has become a lot faster and smoother (HLD-like) with the addition of faster attacks, flame dash and faster casting. Also lockstep plays a huge factor and pvp has become a lot more enjoyable after it's introduction.

I expected some physical->elemental skills to still be good, like Molten Strike and Ice Shot. I recall 4L crit MS to still hit for loads and now there are Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks instead of Multistrike. And I don't recall people using Cold Penetration on Ice Shot before or am I misremembering?

Nice to hear casters are still viable, despite being different than how they used to be. Not a huge fan of EE though, but I can understand why it's so necessary now. Nice that I have something to play around with.

hissnail wrote:

I expected some physical->elemental skills to still be good, like Molten Strike and Ice Shot. I recall 4L crit MS to still hit for loads and now there are Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks instead of Multistrike. And I don't recall people using Cold Penetration on Ice Shot before or am I misremembering?

Nice to hear casters are still viable, despite being different than how they used to be. Not a huge fan of EE though, but I can understand why it's so necessary now. Nice that I have something to play around with.

The conversion skills are sadly quite dead compared to their counterparts that are full physical. Elemental damage has always been rather useless in LLD if it wasn't penetrated. Faster attacks gem helps elemental skills but it also reduces T values for many skills. Multistrike wasn't used in any good LLD builds anyways (except for flicker ofc).

In the past iceshotters used cold penetration for phys builds and light penetration for ele builds. The reason it was so good was mainly because the aoe splash is 100% cold conversion.

Casters shouldn't work this way though.. The only way to defeat good opponents is to get lucky with CWS. Self casted spells dont do much. Also, CWS asenaths are so much better (also super cheap) than those doedre's :P

CWS needs a nerf and elemental damage in general needs some sort of a buff in LLD.

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