Remove Block Reduction gem from game and use this pvp-formula instead

Block and Dodge are powerful in PvP. Few people like the sollution GGG came up with: a block and dodge reduction support gem.

First, it widens the gap between PvP and PvE as the gem is useless in PvE.
Second, not everybody has an efficient green socket swap, favouring the right side of the tree, which is already the more popular area for PvP builds.
Third, gem swapping is annoying.
Fourth, high block enforces rock - paper - scissors setups. Some builds neglect block completely, others have no socket for a BCR gem and can't damage you.
Fifth, builds that don't have to bother with it are advantaged (poison arrow, EA).
Sixth, losing a socket is not possible for all builds, so it reduces PvP build diversity.
Seventh, people without 6-links are even more disadvantaged.

Overal, the BCR gem is not making PvP any more popular and was a bad sollution.

Why not just adding a PvP formula for dodge and block? We wouldn't have to bother with the gem anymore and if it is degressive, block and dodge will still be strong but more balanced.


If dodge/block < 25% => no change

If dodge/block > 25% => PvP block = ((125/(100 + block)) * block

Some examples:

PvE block 18% => PvP block 18%
PvE block 25% => PvP block 25%
PvE block 40% => PvP block 35%
PvE block 50% => PvP block 41%
PvE block 65% => PvP block 49%
PvE block 75% => PvP block 53%
PvE block 78% => PvP block 54%

Overcapped PvE block values are not taken into account:

PvE block 80% (capped at 75%) without The Anvil => PvP block 53%

Numbers can still be balanced ofcourse, because it's an easy formula.
I think if this formula would be applied to PvP, block and dodge will finally have a balanced place and we can remove the annoying BCR gem.

Last edited by Soepkieken#7149 on Oct 7, 2015, 10:36:25 AM
So you want block/dodge to be stronger then they currently are now when faced with the gem. While allowing balance to go even further into the shitter because already broken builds get to control their 6th socket color and gem choice now? While builds that cannot get block fall behind even further. That's brilliant, I have to say...maybe we should revert the universal block chance and crit multiplier nerfs too.

-With your formula block values are universally higher then against the gem.

-Without being shackled to a green socket crit caster/dagger/bow builds will have an even easier time ramping damage/speed. Resulting in even more brain dead damage/1 hit kills then we currently see.

-2H melee will struggle worse versus block....versus everyone because of the above, more damage/more accessibility with your 6th gem.

-Immortal troll builds will still be immortal troll builds, nothing short of a crit build with really good gear can hit hard enough fast enough to kill them. Changing how points are distributed in a match would remove these players from the queue entirely. No more draws = + points to the lesser ranked and - points to the higher ranked, draws should = 0 points. To take this further GGG would need to implement a way to gauge actual damage dealt/participation to reward points and that's just too much work when simply fixing how draws are handled is the better/easier choice.
IGN: MullaXul
Soepkieken wrote:
Block and Dodge are powerful in PvP. Few people like the sollution GGG came up with: a block and dodge reduction support gem.

First, it widens the gap between PvP and PvE as the gem is useless in PvE.
Second, not everybody has an efficient green socket swap, favouring the right side of the tree, which is already the more popular area for PvP builds.
Third, gem swapping is annoying.
Fourth, high block enforces rock - paper - scissors setups. Some builds neglect block completely, others have no socket for a BCR gem and can't damage you.
Fifth, builds that don't have to bother with it are advantaged (poison arrow, EA).
Sixth, losing a socket is not possible for all builds, so it reduces PvP build diversity.
Seventh, people without 6-links are even more disadvantaged.

Overal, the BCR gem is not making PvP any more popular and was a bad sollution.

Why not just adding a PvP formula for dodge and block? We wouldn't have to bother with the gem anymore and if it is degressive, block and dodge will still be strong but more balanced.


If dodge/block < 25% => no change

If dodge/block > 25% => PvP block = ((125/(100 + block)) * block

Some examples:

PvE block 18% => PvP block 18%
PvE block 25% => PvP block 25%
PvE block 40% => PvP block 35%
PvE block 50% => PvP block 41%
PvE block 65% => PvP block 49%
PvE block 75% => PvP block 53%
PvE block 78% => PvP block 54%

Overcapped PvE block values are not taken into account:

PvE block 80% (capped at 75%) without The Anvil => PvP block 53%

Numbers can still be balanced ofcourse, because it's an easy formula.
I think if this formula would be applied to PvP, block and dodge will finally have a balanced place and we can remove the annoying BCR gem.

my puncture mine, almost one shots everyone below 7k health. With 6L i could add slower proejctiles gem. And Damage would be overkill. Whatever block you have, since its only one shot you would be dead. Make a crit build lose 1 gem is really important and its a really big disadvantage for 'overkill damage' builds.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Oct 10, 2015, 1:38:23 AM

The buff of block on jewels really screw things up for 2h users and quick hitters.

To be honest 35 block chance on the BRC gem is kind of low when you see most blockers have 70%block+AEGIS.

The time you can penetrated their 70% block and hurt their es pool, they comeback to 100% ES the next attack.

Of course you can craft BCR on items but I wish those swords block nods on tree could become universal 2h block reduction nods.

This or raise the block on bcr gem to 50%.

Block suck and is a lazy way to play in pvp.
It is just using items and wait people die on your tempest.

YOu don t even need high dps.

I have a block non leg aegis level 81 templar, he deal 1000 dps tooltype incinerate and 2k tempest shield dps.

Lot of people with better skills than me and items just die on the tempest or the incinerate and my block let me lol and do nothing but stand still and spray shit dps spell.

Very very unfair for real skilled players (I also play 2h so i know the frustration of 2h vs blockers too).

I would love to nerf block again or buff BCR on tree or gem.
Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Oct 10, 2015, 7:41:50 AM
It seems you got a plan , i didn't understand much about what u want to say but... Block reduction gem is 35% + 15% block reduction from master mod x 2 (if u use 2 x one hand weapons) = 65% block reduction , without even getting any Sword block reduction node from skill tree! With 65% block reduction u can terminate any blocker out there , believe me! Also Block builds got nerfed enough it is Real Hard to get Max Block build nowdays ..In the other hand give me a fast solution of how i could beat an Explosive Arrow build with Legacy Kaoms armour. Cause i don't know any. ..What i want to say is to focus more on real imbalanced builds than vulnerable blockers!

IGN: SonneHagal
Last edited by NocturnoCulto#1307 on Oct 11, 2015, 8:58:08 AM
NocturnoCulto wrote:
It seems you got a plan , i didn't understand much about what u want to say but... Block reduction gem is 35% + 15% block reduction from master mod x 2 (if u use 2 x one hand weapons) = 65% block reduction , without even getting any Sword block reduction node from skill tree! With 65% block reduction u can terminate any blocker out there , believe me! Also Block builds got nerfed enough it is Real Hard to get Max Block build nowdays ..In the other hand give me a fast solution of how i could beat an Explosive Arrow build with Legacy Kaoms armour. Cause i don't know any. ..What i want to say is to focus more on real imbalanced builds than vulnerable blockers!

IGN: SonneHagal

Half truth,

you can put block on weapons, but for 2h weapons rolling a good one + teh block is kind of impossible for most people.

Also not everyone play swords or dual sword and I don t think blockers are vulnerable at all. Aegis+block is just too easy to get and play, and most of those build are doing 0 damages and just stand still.

Pvp should reward the offense or the strategy, not just putting 3 items and stand still waiting people to die on tempest shield.

Also even with brc+block reduction on tree or masters, you would still need to use a slow hitting attack and the time you use them blockers just run away.

Imo right now each time i see a blocker I jsut don t fight them since they also don t really fight (block+run away if block is penetrated+recharge es+repeat).

If you are for balance then you should ask for all builds to get block pen on tree, not only swords.

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Oct 11, 2015, 9:35:25 AM
When I think about it more, actually Aegis Aurora is the main problem in PvP, not block by itself. They are lame builds and some builds just cannot counter them. If you are non-sword and fast hitter, then you don't stand a chance against them.

Maybe Aegis should have a PvP-only nerf. Like the ES gain on block having a small cooldown for example... .

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