Those immortal ES tank builds....

So on reddit there is this thread with some guy i meet around sarn sometime. He have one of those ES regen balance breaking builds that none can kill but trappers or EA. it s pretty much The Dy'Ness Tank build.

the build:

dyness original build

the video uploader build

the thread:

the pve video:

If i was smart i would copy his build and troll in pvp dyness style but i think those should be shared because it is too powerfull (like EA)

There is 0 chance to kill those with 95% of builds around. All you can hope is doing a draw in 1 vs 1

If anyone found way to win vs those build without using a trap or EA i would like to know.
Maybe a crit mirror melee could do it? But those ES regen don t even use mirror gear! it is way to powerfull for the investment .

I also want GGG to see that PVP will never be good if such build can be made without being able to be countered.

If block penetration exist, some kind of ES regen pen or and item that cancel regen should be introduced in the game ( again they do block pen, now item to counter bleed, why not items to counter regen? ).

You can t create things like that without also give counter, this is bad game design by nature. everything should be planned to create a good pvp experience even possibility to introduce counter items!

I am not mad at those build, more i am mad there is no counter for those unless using other broken builds.

When you can do that in the game, items or tree nods should also be available to counter them.

Seeing the multiplication of those build those days (with EA and whispering), I really think GGG should start thinking about mechanism and introduce things to counter them.

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Sep 13, 2015, 2:25:03 PM
But.. we already got 2 sec pvp duration burn and 2.5 sec pvp duration bleed, what else do you need to counter 5k es regen and 0.8 sec es recharge delay? regen is totally fine. /s
EFBBBF wrote:
But.. we already got 2 sec pvp duration burn and 2.5 sec pvp duration bleed, what else do you need to counter 5k es regen and 0.8 sec es recharge delay? regen is totally fine. /s

It s not because crit and trap build can do it that Es regen is fine.

Its not like melee Rt can pop out of his ass a 6k fire degen trap or a 10k pure phy/hit bleed attack.
Also those ES regen build will soon get those tasty amu making bleed damage totaly useless.

There need to have a regen buster item in the game too for build not using crit or trap you know.

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Sep 14, 2015, 6:42:22 AM
I find it hilarious that some people still have hopes for pvp in this game.

Come on, how many months as it been since players abus EA wallspam and Trap stacks ? Did GGG ever communicate about the state of pvp like they do for pve ?

Nothing gonna EVER happen anymore, maybe a few value changes from time to time but don't expect anything
major to change until they start working on PoE 2.
IceDeal wrote:
I find it hilarious that some people still have hopes for pvp in this game.

Come on, how many months as it been since players abus EA wallspam and Trap stacks ? Did GGG ever communicate about the state of pvp like they do for pve ?

Nothing gonna EVER happen anymore, maybe a few value changes from time to time but don't expect anything
major to change until they start working on PoE 2.

Sure very few PvP specific changes came with 2.0 but to say that GGG didnt chage PvP at all with the new patch isnt entirely accurate. There are a lot of changes that people are not taking advantage of yet and as the new meta slowly......very fucking SLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWLLLLYYYYYY :P evolves I dont think well see EA at the top of the ladder anymore. IMO Ea is an offhand ability that you use to control space for shot periods of time in PvP. We just arnt seeing it atm because the meta is so slow to evolve but all ea can do is wall spam. If they wall spam you weapon swap to an ea bow and shoot the same wall they are standing near because out in the open ea dmg is a joke. If someone was to make a top end whispering ice build I think it would beat top ea builds.

As for the regen builds I fail to see why people make builds that cant be killed but also cant kill anyone I guess they really enjoy trolling the ladder or something. They do sacrifice a lot to get that regen and so far i havnt seen one that I cant just leap away from and lol as they chase me. Regen is also really important to other builds though like melee 2h so any changes that are aimed at people with 3k+ hp regen would have to be careful not to effect others.
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IceDeal wrote:
I find it hilarious that some people still have hopes for pvp in this game.

Come on, how many months as it been since players abus EA wallspam and Trap stacks ? Did GGG ever communicate about the state of pvp like they do for pve ?

Nothing gonna EVER happen anymore, maybe a few value changes from time to time but don't expect anything
major to change until they start working on PoE 2.

is it enjoyable to be pessimistic about life? does it really work for you?
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
is it enjoyable to be pessimistic about life? does it really work for you?

I'm more a realistic person, i analyze facts, come to conclusions and move in the right direction.

Facts are GGG tried pushing pvp and failed because the core design of the game (especially the crafting system) don't allow casual players to stand a chance against hardcore player / rmter. And if we learned something about the most sucessfull pvp games from the last decade (LoL, CS:GO, Hearthstone, ect..) it's that it has to be casual friendly to be succesfull.

GGG is a small team, they don't have enough ressources to focus on something unpopular. They REALLY tried with 1.3 as they promise but it didn't work and so they moved on something else and who can blame them. Fixing HLD would mean spending weeks analyzing value and reprogram some parts of the game like the secondary damages mechanic.

But I can understand it's hard for you guys to give up on all this gear you spend hundred of hours (dollars) to acquire thinking you'll be the god of pvp in the game.
Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Sep 19, 2015, 4:28:50 PM
IceDeal wrote:
is it enjoyable to be pessimistic about life? does it really work for you?

I'm more a realistic person, i analyze facts, come to conclusions and move in the right direction.

Facts are GGG tried pushing pvp and failed because the core design of the game (especially the crafting system) don't allow casual players to stand a chance against hardcore player / rmter. And if we learned something about the most sucessfull pvp games from the last decade (LoL, CS:GO, Hearthstone, ect..) it's that it has to be casual friendly to be succesfull.

GGG is a small team, they don't have enough ressources to focus on something unpopular. They REALLY tried with 1.3 as they promise but it didn't work and so they moved on something else and who can blame them. Fixing HLD would mean spending weeks analyzing value and reprogram some parts of the game like the secondary damages mechanic.

But I can understand it's hard for you guys to give up on all this gear you spend hundred of hours (dollars) to acquire thinking you'll be the god of pvp in the game.

making profit in this game is much easier than you can ever think.

zillions of people are coming with big passion to game, they farm exalts, they get lucky drps etc. and they want fast exalts.(thats the most important part)

just sell everything, wait in trade chat, exploit desperate sells. You can make 15ex profit per day with 100~ ex budget.

As a hearthstone player, budget decks can stand no chance vs a handlock(or grinder mage) deck, CS:GO is a shooter game so i eliminate it, LoL is p2win you buy heroes by real money(i havent ever played lol in my life, im playing dota since 13 years, so i might be mistaken)

if you want to start a project about forcing GGG to make another realm for pvp, where all mirror items are available(endless chromatics, regrets), i can do whatever we can for that matter. But as in life, you gotta work(farm) and try hard(trade) to have viable build in pvp, and thats fair. Life is same why should a game different than that, and since the current life is all our imagination is about how can we think opposite?
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Sep 20, 2015, 1:54:15 AM
I'm not saying that it's impossible to grind gear, just that the game is too broken and the player base too small for the mass to care about. If you try pvp inPoE you either totally dominate your opponent or get obliterated. There is no middle ground for hopes of improvement neither a low gear league for people to try pvp on a fair battle.

As for you examples, you misunderstood my point. In all the game I mentionned, there is ground for improvement with a massive player base wich mean a total newbie WILL score a few wins from time to time wich will motivate him to improve wich will puss more people to play the game because it's FUN. Each of those game have some kind of matchmaking making each battle fair (also Lol is not p2w, you can unlock each hero for free and there is a weekly rotation giving you access to some of the locked one. As a former dota player myself I found the game boring and uninteresting but that's another subject).

And your comparaison with life is pretty flawed as well. This is not real life, it's a game. Game are supposed to be fun and grinding like a korean slave is not something funny. Some investment are indeed intersting but the level of commitment you need in order to be effective in PoE pvp compared to how balanced the game is with a player base so small is just not worth it for 95% of the players. Wich by the way explain why it's always the same people talking the same stuff over and over again in this part of the forum.
Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Sep 20, 2015, 4:14:01 AM
double post
Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Sep 20, 2015, 3:55:04 AM

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